Chapter Two The Lockdown

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"Montoya, bring the girl over here." Marco said, a cold commanding tone in his voice filled the room

"Alright, gorgeous, you heard the boss, get over there." Montoya said shoving me across the room

"Ouch! Okay, take it easy. I'm going." I said slowly moving toward Gutierrez

"You seem familiar, have we met somewhere before?" Marco asked

"If you mean before today, than no." I said

'Marco had reached into his leather jacket pocket, pulling out his wallet, and showed me the photo of him with a woman who looked almost identical to me..'

"That's my ex wife, Isabela Rodriguez. Are you related to her in any way?" Marco asked

"No, I don't know Isabela." I said

"You are a dead ringer for Bela. You could be her twin." Marco said

"I don't have a twin. I was born an only child." I said

"Leave her alone, Gutierrez." Mr. Mackenzie said

"You want your brains blown out on these walls, Abuelito? Montoya... Warning shot." Gutierrez said, shielding my body from the plastered debris, when Montoya fired his gun at the ceiling

"Don't hurt him, please." I said, over my screams

"Release her, please, Gutierrez." Mr. Mackenzie said

"Let him go." I said

"What?" Marco asked

"I'll do what you say, I won't fight you, I won't scream, please. I beg you to let him go. I'll let you have your way with me, and I won't try to stop you." I said

"I'll take your request under consideration." Marco said

"Mr. Mackenzie, I think you're getting released, but you can't go to the police. I spoke with Gutierrez, they're gonna discuss your release, don't call the cops, don't inform a news crew, just go home and wait there." I said

"Annabeth, I can't let you do this. I can't just leave you here." Mr. Mackenzie said

"Wilfred, when they release you, you go. Don't worry about me, I'll be alright. I promise. Just go when you get out. Just keep going, and don't turn back." I said

"Mackenzie, you're free to go." Marco said unlocking the gate

"Anna, I won't leave you. I can't leave you." Mr. Mackenzie said

"Wilfred, go." I said shoving him out

"You did the right thing." Marco said as I watched him turn away

"He's looked out for me since I was a child. Treated me as his own daughter. And I just saved his life." I said

"Don't worry about him, he's safe." Marco said, leading me away from the gate

'I examined the picture of Gutierrez and his ex wife, I couldn't get over the fact that she and I looked identical. How could I not know there was someone out there who looked like me...'

"Gomez, keep an eye on her. She will make an excellent second wife.." Marco said

"Are you truly interested in this woman, or is it because she looks like Bela?" Gomez asked

"I've seen that she could warm up to me, if I be nice to her." Marco said

"Hey, are you okay? I saw how Montoya tossed you around." A man said

"I'm still a bit sore, but I'll be okay. I'm Anna, by the way." I said

"I'm Jared." He said

"So, what are you doing in a jewelry store, Jared?" I asked "Shopping for my sister's wedding. I hadn't found anything she'd like." Jared said

"Maybe I could help you, if and when we get out of here." I said

"Hey, you. Get over here." Marco said looking at me

"Go, Anna. He gets you over there, he won't end one of us." Jared said

'I went ever so hesitantly over toward Gutierrez, looking back at Jared, who was the calmest person I had ever met. Yet I was terrified of what could happen if I hadn't said anything to Gutierrez after convincing him to release Wilfred Mackenzie. Once I got over to Gutierrez, he had taken his switchblade, cutting at the ropes on my wrists. I then pulled at the weakening rope, I saw that my wrists had dark purple bruises where the ropes had been tied. I then looked at Gutierrez with concern in my eyes and fear pounding in my heart..'

"Yes.." I said approaching him, looking down at my feet

"Hey, look at me, Anna." Marco said, placing a handgun to my chest

"Hey, step off, Gutierrez." Jared said moving toward us

"Take one more step, I plug her dead in the chest." Marco said, moving a strand of hair from my face

"Jared, please don't move." I said

"You better listen to her, Jared." Marco said

'I twitched as Gutierrez had pulled the trigger.. Wincing while turning away..'

"You were lucky I had the safety on, Jared. Or something could have happened to her.. Get back over there, Jared. Not so fast, sweetheart, you are staying over here." Marco said, grasping the back of my neck, pulling me over toward him.

"Why are you so interested in her?" Jared asked

"None of your business, now shut up and get back over there. Or you will be the first hostage I kill. Understand?" Marco said, raising his voice

"God, what is his problem?" A woman asked

"Gutierrez, why are you interested in me? Is it because I look like Bela? Is that it?" I asked

"Not until I saw you enter the store. The resemblance between you and Bela, it was uncanny. I had to know you."

'I couldn't move, he had me locked tight in his arm, I struggled to escape, but it was like fighting steel chains. I was unable to break free...'

~End of Chapter 2~

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