Chapter Three Meeting Isabela

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'Days had gone by, I had looked outside the store, seeing the woman from Gutierrez' picture, she turned over to look at me, she stopped, her jaw dropped upon seeing me. Marco had unlocked the gate and opened it just wide enough to get two people outside, dragging me behind him.'

"Marco..." The woman said

"Hello, Bela. It's been a while. You look great." Marco said

"Muy Gracias. Excuse me, are you the daughter of Madison and Jake Becker?" Isabela asked

"Yes, but how did you know my parents?" I asked

"Because, they are my birth parents. That makes you.. mi hermana gemela." Isabela said

"I have a twin sister? This can't be right.. Mom and Dad never mentioned a twin sister. " I said

"I was taken from our parents after I was born, they informed our parents that I had died, and I was put in the foster system and adopted by a Mexican family." Isabela said

"I knew you had to be related. I missed you, Bela. Every day since you left me." Marco said

"So, you're Gutierrez' ex wife? How did you wind up being married to someone like him, Bela?" I asked

"He had an engaging way with words, and I fell prey to it, but I see that you were smart enough not to succumb to his seduction, my sister." Isabela said

"You can call me Anna, after all we are sisters." I said

"Anna, that is such a beautiful name." Isabela said

"That's what I said about your name." I said

"Anna, cariña say you'll be mine." Marco said

"What? I'm not doing that. I would rather die in that store than be with you." I said

"Marco, this is one of the reasons I left you, you're possessive and hostile." Isabela said

"Okay, cariña, I'll give you two options; either you agree to give yourself to me and myself alone, or I put this gun to your chest and I shoot you in the heart, leaving you to die within minutes." Marco said, placing a gun to my chest, upon grasping me in his other arm

"You know what, just do me a favor and pull the trigger, unless you don't have the cajones to do it. So, go ahead and prove me wrong, Gutierrez. You aren't letting your remorseful conscience get to you, are you, Marco? Pull the damn trigger!" I yelled

"Maldita sea, mujer." Marco said, moving the gun away from my chest

"I knew you wouldn't be able to do it, it's because you feel something for me that's why you couldn't shoot me." I said, pulling away

"Alright, I would have stopped. You're right. Ever since I saw there was another woman with Bela's face I felt like she would be reunited with me in a way." Marco said

"You had your chance, Marco. You threw our marriage away." Isabela said

"I'm not the one who left you, Bela. I wanted to work things out, you were the one who walked out on me." Marco said dragging me back inside the jewelry store

'He threw me to the ground toward Jared, while he swung his arm, pointing his gun at everyone, I had scrambled to my feet. I tried to knock the gun out of his hands, but he threw me to the floor, quickly pointing his gun at me, dragging me over to him by the ends of my hair, I scream as he covers my mouth, holding me close to him, brushing his lips and tongue up and down the side of my face, I let out a muffled scream, followed by muffled sobs, I couldn't do anything to stop him, he intended me to keep my end of our bargain. So I stopped fighting, and eventually passing out from lack of oxygen, Gutierrez had locked me in his arms as he set me down my head on his lap... The rest of the hostages watch a shocked expression spread from face to face as they watched as I had slipped into unconsciousness...'

~End of Chapter 3~

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