Mission Of Death

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"GREY!"  I look at my commander with no emotion, my back straight, and salute "SIR!" I respond my voice sounding thunderous in the tent.

"You and your troop will go save a girl that has been held hostage in Russia and you and your troop will complete that mission. It is expected to be a success as you are the best group we have. Am I understood?" he shouts in my face spit flying "Yes Sir!" I say trying to not sound sarcastic. He just smiles and waves me off while I go to collect my troop.

"Welp guys it's back on the road for us get ready to save a worthless brat in Russia," I growl out while they scoff and throw their gear on.

I understand them we had just gotten back from a rescue mission. I had gotten shot in my shoulder but I healed really fast it's weird but helpful for my troop and me.

"Hey, Grey? When we headin' out?" Lyle asks one of my members that I call my brother. I just sigh and get the rest of our gear "Get your asses over here!" I shout my face turning a little pink.

They jog over and I explain what's going to take place. Eventually, everyone gets their stuff in the truck and signals to me that we are ready. Taking that as a signal to get the truck on the road I hit the hood twice and the truck lurches forward.

"Grey?" Lyle asks me as I sharpen my knife and I hum in response.

 "Do you think we'll make it out on this one?" he asks after a few seconds of looking at the map

 "I'm really not sure." I manage to get out before he impatiently interrupts, "We all know that there have been 4 troops sent out to take care of missions in Russia that have never returned, who's to say were excluded from that bunch?"

Sighing I take the map out of his hand and ignore his question. "Here we go guys, this is the plan."

Everyone turns to me as they listen to the game plan I have laid out. Agreeing and making changes as we get closer and closer to the camp we're about to invade.

The Luna SoldierTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang