Mission Of Death PT 2

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When we reach the camp border we sneak out of the truck. Getting into our positions and preparing for shit to go down, because the one thing we learned from the army, is to always be ready.

"Grey, we have 5 at 12 o'clock sharp what do you wanna do?" Franklin asks worried our plan had been corrupted

"Ok, snipers get in position. I'll do a little magic and if they show any signs that they know we are here your other snipers will complete the shooting while I switch and then we will go through their territory. Kay?"

I hear all the encouraging words and then Jake says something about "getting the party started." making me roll my eyes.

Looking down my sight I proceed to put my silencer on my barrel. I then look again and shoot the first target. One of the Russians starts to turn around to see what the noise of his partner falling down was about so I quickly cock my gun and take him down skillfully. The third man starts to run so I quickly put a bullet in his head and watch him drop. When seeing no more men I finally take my eye away from the scope. 

Not two seconds later a familiar sound of a bullet whistling through the air catches my attention and the next thing I know is I've been shot. I watch as my own blood soars through the air like slow motion as the pain makes me hiss air through my teeth. "Grey!" Jake yells out to me as I glare at him for giving our position away for sure "Hey listen up it looks as expected now everyone start the mission and let's save her ass." My troop nods in confirmation and I lead them off signaling their spots.

One by one we have shot everyone on the outside when Franklin grabs a grenade causing me to scowl "you dumb ass we are supposed to be saving the girl not fucking blowing her to shreds and pieces!" I whisper shout he looks at me frightened "Yes sir." he says putting his grenade back I sigh in relief but quickly stop when I see a grenade roll towards us and I yell "take fucking cover run and take cover now!" while running and kicking it away from us and the building then it explodes and another rolls towards my comrades. "run!" I yell as it explodes...

I'm too late and am knocked off my feet.

My ears ringing as I slowly get up, my head hurting. I take a few deep breaths before I realize my troop has been blown to shreds. My eyes tear up as I hear Jake crying out in pain, and Lyle taking his last breath.

Soon I don't hear Jake crying out and that's when my vision goes red.

Getting my gun I burst through and start my rampage. Killing them all, bodies are all over, blood squirting as the sound of men screaming in pain fills my ears. I growl and burst through the door that she is behind and snap the guard's neck. I grab Mrs. Prissy and throw her over my shoulders.

But not without some smart remark coming from her perfectly caked face "hey I asked to be saved by the army not some crazy chick!" she screams hitting my back.

 I ignore her and grab my walkie talkie "hey I need a helicopter now, and you better come quickly if you want us to live!" I shout and get a response with "Yes Sir we are coming." as I wait a few tears fall when look back to see my men dead and the gory sight of their flesh being exposed.

"Hey, boys looks like we got a girl in our troop." Jake says smirking while I just glare and punch his arm "I'm in your troop we are all one family I am not to be referred to as a girl call me Grey got it?" They look at me for a minute and then all cheer out their pleasure of me joining.

In training:
"Hey, Grey come at me," Lyle says smirking. I shrug my shoulders and walk towards him as he goes to kick my legs down. I dodge his slow attempt pinning his arm behind him and shoving him to the ground waiting for him to give in.

"Ow fuck." he groans while the boys laugh

 "Okay okay, get off of him Grey." my commander chuckles out. I get up and give him my hand helping him up.

Lyle glares at me for a short second and then starts laughing.

 I laugh along and then a few hours later the boys are all on the ground in a pile groaning while I sit on them.

A few hours ago

"Ok I am worn from that mission want to go get some food and chill?" asks Ban (PRONOUNCED B-AUN) we all nod in agreement and then the commander calls for me...

On the ride to the Russians base

Ban laughs at Jake's question"Even if we don't make it we will go down fighting and we will go down as a family.......

"Grey hey come on get in!" the flight commander shouts while some tears fall down my face I nod and run to the chopper jumping in and the girl screams while the chopper takes off I crawl the rest of the way in not noticing I had gotten shot in a few places that weren't healing.

I had noticed that silver causes me to not heal, and now I am noticing the pain. My face starts to scrunch up and more tears fall when I remember my team and how battered their corpses were. A sob escapes my lips as my heart yearns for them. 

When the building is almost out of sight bombs go off and the facility blows up making me smile. Eventually, the pain takes over causing me to pass out.

The last thing on my mind was "It's all my fault."

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