Rest ~ Xander X Reader

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He sighs, rubbing his temple with his left hand as he continues to work. Plopping his regal black pen onto his lovely polished cherrywood desk, he leans back in his chair. Sighing once more, he stands up to grab yet another cup of coffee.

"Xander?" He freezes at the sound of your voice. Turning around, he meets your (E/C) gaze.

"Yes (Y/N)? What are you even doing up at this hour?" he asks worriedly.

"Waiting for you... you're always up late doing work and we never have time to spend with together. And then I'm running around during the day when you have free time," you mumble, looking down at your bare feet. Seeing his feet move towards you out of the corner of your eye. Looking up, you find that he's extremely close. He raises his hand and brushes your cheek with his knuckles.

"You don't have to stay up for me. I'm trying to get the work done ahead of time this time. This way we can spend time together." You see him lean down as he finishes his statement. He grazes your forehead with a light kiss. "Now go and get some sleep." You shake your head at his order.

"Not while you're up and working. Is there anyway I can help you finish faster?" He pauses for a moment, then shakes his head. Adamant that you go to sleep. "You know I can't sleep without you... please just for tonight. I don't have many duties tomorrow, so I can help you with your paperwork for the army then." He sighs, obviously he's not going to get anywhere by arguing with you of all people.

"Very well." That was all he says before he gently picks you up bridle style, earning a faint squeak from you.

"I can walk you know..." you pout, he gives out a light yet hearty laugh.

"I know, I just like carrying you around, little princess," he says as he smiles down at you. You lightly blush and smile back at him. Looking down at your hands in your lap, you respond to him.

"W-well, I like to be carried... or hugged. I feel safe with you." He smiles at you as he reaches the bedroom door and widens the opening with his foot.

"Well I'm glad you do. You are my wife after all." Closing the door with his foot he walks towards the bed, upon reaching said king sized bed, he places you down onto the deep purple duvet of the bed. Your (H/C) hair splaying on the duvet. Laying down beside you, he pulls your body towards his. Cradling your body to his, as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. The feeling of his breath, against your neck and collar bone making the hairs at the back of your neck stand on end.

"Xander?" you ask him, only to receive soft snores. Smiling, you shake your head as you snuggle into his chest. "Good night, I love you Xander." And with that you kiss his nose lightly, and snuggle once more into his chest. Xander opens his eyes half way, and says.
"I love you too, little princess. Sleep well," he softly says, kissing the top of your head. Resting his chin upon yours, he closes his eyes and sleeps.

"Camilla! Camilla! Look! Look!" A certain hyper, and cute, blonde healer shouts to her older sister.

"Yes darling? What is it?" said older sister asks as she sways her hips with each step.

"They're so cute when cuddling together!" Elise squeals, not being able to contain her fangirl side.

"Yes they are sweetie. Yes they are." Camilla agrees, nodding her head lightly. Elise turns to face Camilla, her giant curly twin pigtails bouncing, as her eyes gleam.

"Sister! Can we take a picture? They're just too cute together."

"Just this once darling. Just this once." Was all Camilla says as she goes back to grab her camera device.


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