Flying ~ Male!Corrin X Reader

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A/N : This story will be in past tense, not present tense like the others. It's just a little experiment to see if I, or you guys, like this better. Also, this one's a long one. Word Count: 2,265

"Ah!" you scream, and jump, as you're suddenly encased by someone's arms. Gripping tightly onto their, kinda muscular, arms you tried to settle your rapidly beating heart. You turned around to face the person with a scowl on your face, realization crossed your face as you see who it is. But is quickly turned back into the previous scowl that it was.
"CORRIN!" you screeched, lightly hitting his arm with weak punches. Corrin laughed at your weak punches, it making you look like you've given up on life. Your punching soon ceased as you heard his laughter. Only for you to join in on said laughter, your voices mixed together as you laughed. He shook his head as he rested the side of his cheek on the top of your head.

"You're such a scaredy cat. Ya know?" he said, as he removed his cheek and released his grip. Only for you to see him smirk. You shook your head. He nodded. You just kept on shaking your head. And he just kept on nodding. Soon it looked like the two of you, were just thrashing your heads either up and down or left to right. Still thrashing your head left and right to say 'No', you said to him,

"Don't you dare do what I'm thinking you're gonna do mister!" After your exclamation, you stopped your head shaking. For your head was beginning to hurt, and give you a headache. He, however, did stop his nodding but still had that annoyingly attractive smirk. Wait. What? Oh god, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Why? He's my best friend! You thought, as you quickly turned around to hide your blush. Seeing you like that, Corrin didn't know wether to swipe the smirk off of his face or make it larger. He chose to go with the first option. You are, after all, his best friend. So naturally he'd be worried about why your face is the color of a person with an extremely high fever. His ivory brows furrowed.

"(Y/N), are you alright? Your face is red, are you sick?" he asked, voice laced with concern. You snapped out of your red-faced trance, and smiled at him.

"Yeah, yeah I'm alright. Thanks for asking though, just got a little too warm for a moment there I guess. Heheh," you laughed nervously as you rubbed the back of your neck. His face screamed unconvinced as he raised an eyebrow and furrowed his other one. But, as not to press it any further, he went with it.

"Alright, but if something's wrong you can tell me." At his response you nodded your head, used to receiving this message from him. "Anyways, enough with worrisome things! There's something I want you to do with me!" he exclaimed excitedly, like a little kid going into the candy or toy shop. (He was even bouncing up and down.) You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.

"Fine. What is it that you need to do with me?" you said completely unamused with what's going on. He only flashed you a large, toothy, grin. Man, he is being strangely childish today... you thought to yourself as you see him pull out his Dragon Stone. "Whoa, hey, what're you doing with that?!" Without answering your question he transforms into his dragon form, a bright flash blocking your vision before you see him in all of his glory. Stretching out his wings and legs, he looked at you and then to his back. It almost seemed as if he wanted you to wait — he what?! You shook your head with haste. " I am not getting on your back. As much as I trust you, no. You know how I am about heights..." He stares at you deeply into your eyes, then huffs. Uncurling his front right fist, he began to write. As he finished the last letter, of whatever he was writing, you walked over to see what he'd written. It said, in the dirt,

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