Period Pains ~ Xander X Reader

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Requested by nikkimel5
"Why?" you groan to yourself. "Why must you torture me like this?! Screw you Mother Nature!" You slam your fist onto the bed, that you lay on out of frustration. Flopping your face into the pillow, as you remain on your stomach. Screaming into the pillow, you turn your head to the side to see Xander working. Xander sighs as he places his fountain pen down.

"Alright, what's the issue?" he asks, as he stands up and walks over to the king sized bed. You sheepishly smile, turning over onto your back and laying your hands on your stomach.

"'s uh..." He frowns deeper than usual at your 'response'.

"It's what?" he pressures, trying to receive a proper answer and sits down onto the deep purple and red sheets of the bed. The black duvet, having been pulled back earlier, now rests in front of your feet.

"It's that time of the month..." you mumble, flushing a bright pink as you turn your head away from his chocolate-like gaze. His already frowning face, somehow, frowned an even deeper frown.

"Are you in pain?" he asks, scooting closer to your laying form. You simply nod, turning your head to face him. "Where? If you'll let me help relieve your pain..." His head drooping down, as if he's nervous. Without speaking, you grab his hand with yours and place it on your tummy. His head shoots up at the feeling of your clothed stomach. Face turning a beet red, almost like there are fifty different shades of red, he stutters out his words. "Sh-should I rub it? It may relieve some of the pain...I heard about this from Elise."

"That would be nice. It's a little difficult for me to do it..." After hearing your response his facial color recedes back to its original tannish color.

"Alright, little princess. If it'll help with your pain. I...suppose that I can pause my work for awhile." You smile a bright closed mouth smile, up at him.

"Thanks Xander." He faintly smiles down at you as he removes your hands from your stomach and from his own hands.

"It's no problem little princess." You flinch in pain at first, the pressure on your stomach not helping with the pain. But after a few moments, the pain begins to ease up. Causing you to sigh in relief.

"Th-there...hah...much better. It's almost gone. I never knew you were this good with your hands." you say as you relax your body even more. Trying to completely get rid of the cramps. Within moments, your pain is gone. "Ah, you can stop now. The pain is gone. Thank you." you thank him.

"It was nothing really. Now get some rest, I'll finish my work so I can join you." he says as he pushes back stray strands of hair from your face. Pondering for a moment, you grab his wrist stopping him.

"Wait. You need a reward for helping me don't you?" You smirk at him, eyes containing a mischievous glint in them.

"What kind of reward? Or...oh, I see." His face switches from confusion and worry to understanding. Just then, he leans down and captures your soft pink lips to steal a kiss. It was a short and sweet kiss. Nothing extreme, no tongue or anything of the sorts.

"Now get some rest." he says as he lightly ruffles your hair. Nodding as a reply, you release your grip. Bringing your hand back to your side. You turn onto your side, to get into a comfortable position. He sits down in front of you at his polished cherry wood desk. You watch him work until you close your eyes and drift off into another land and world. Xander stands up as he finishes the last of his work about an hour later. Pushing his expensive desk chair in, he picks up the dimly burning candle. He sets it onto the bedside table as he sits down. After changing into more comfortable clothes, he lays down. Pulling the black duvet over the two of you, he reveals the crimson red patterns on it. Blowing out the candle, he turns to the side to face your back. He pulls you to his chest, and kisses the back of your neck. "Good night (Y/N). My little princess. I love you." he whispers as he too, drifts off into another place and world. You grin in your sleep, just barely hearing someone say 'I love you'.

" you too..."

A/N - Sorry if he was OOC, and for the lateness. Some stuff has been going on. The next thing coming up is a Ryoma one. This way it's not Xander and then Xander again. See you guys soon!

Fire Emblem One Shots (On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें