You Need To Rest! ~ Male!Robin X Reader

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Requested by: xAHeadFxllOfDreamsx
I apologize ahead of time if Robin is OOC this is my first time writing him in a story/one shot, even though I play Fire Emblem Awakening and as him a lot in Smash /shot
You sigh contentedly as you finish your rounds for the night, making sure that everything is in order. All of the weapons are in stock, especially Lon'qu's Killing Edges (RIP the enemies 😂), and ready for the battles to come. As you pass by a tacticians tent, you hear murmuring. That's odd, you think to yourself, everyone else is asleep...who's up at this time? Your thoughts finish as you wander around the corner to the tent containing the sounds.

"Oh, why of course, why wouldn't it be him of all people?!" a familiar voice rings. It's the most distinct voice in the whole army: immediately, you know who it is. You stop in place. Oh, Robin. You never learn do you? You thought to yourself as you smile knowingly, and shake your head. Stepping forward, to gain momentum, you continue on your way to Robin's tent. The tent isn't far, but it's hard to not look at the stars during the walk. They shine brilliantly above you. Casting a comfortable, white, glow on your form.

"Oh! I'm here, ha," you say lightly to yourself in a form of sarcastic humor.

". . . and if I put Cordelia here . . . and Gaius there . . . then maybe . . ." You hear more of Robin's battle tactic plans behind the tent. This time more hushed.

"Robin?" you question. He stops mid sentence, almost panicky and very rushed. Books thud and pens clatter, papers rustling more than you've ever heard before. Even the sound of a screeching chair. You flinch at every noise, feeling Robin's desperation. "Everything alright in there?" You take a step forward, raising your hand to dare open the tent.

"Y-yes! Just . . . cleaning up is all! Come in, come in!" Robin says from behind the tent's flaps, voice slightly raised but just only above normal level. As to not rouse the other members of your, quite large, army. You roll your eyes in amusement from Robin's wavering voice, raising your dominant hand to brush away the dirty green colored flaps to enter his tent. You're greeted with Robin scurrying to hide something in his bookcase. Hearing your steps as you take, exactly, two he quickly turns around to face you. Making sure his back is covering his bookcase. "Hello there, (Y/N)! How is everything?"

"Hello Robin. Everything is well," you say as you take in his facial expression. He looks nervous, as if he's hiding something. "Though I do hope you weren't staying up late making battle plans again." Immediately his expression changes, shifting from nervousness to guilt and embarrassment. Your eyes narrow slightly and you shift your weight to your right leg. Placing your hand on your hip to give you a look of authority. "Robin . . ." you drag out in a slightly threatening tone. "We–," he cuts you

"Can't afford me to be tired from lack of sleep as I lead you all during the battles as well. Yes I know. I just . . . I want to make sure that we're prepared for almost everything. There's someone I can't lose . . ." he drops his eyes to the floor beneath his feet. Shaking his head slightly, his short, crisp, white locks follow its movements. At his statement your eyes soften, dropping your authoritative stance. You move closer to Robin.

"Robin . . . you still can protect those dear to you. Without needing to stay up this late . . ." you are now standing only a foot or so away from him. "You may actually be putting that person in more trouble than you intended for them. But for that person, and the rest of the army . . . you need to get all the rest and training you can get," you moved your dominant hand to rest on his shoulder, "I have faith in you. That you will become an even greater tactician than you are today, than you are now. And make unbeatable strategies right there on the field." By now Robin is gazing into your eyes, no longer fixated to his boots.

"(Y/N) . . . you're right. I'll try to get more sleep than I have been lately." At his words you smile and, reluctantly, remove your hand from his shoulder.

"That's splendid news! Now it's late enough already, why don't you get some rest?" Your grin never leaving your face as you state these words.

"No, not yet. There's still something I must do." Upon seeing your quickly falling face he jumps into action. "No, no! It shouldn't–it won't take long," he corrects himself. "In fact," Robin takes a breath, "it takes place right here. Right now." At Robin's words you cock a brow. Curious as to what this thing is.

"Oh?" All colder emotions you had in your stance completely fell. Your mind reeling with thoughts of all kind. Many of them causing you to fight the urge to blush, your protective barrier breaking.

"Okay, here goes nothing . . ." Robin mumbles to himself before taking a deep breath. Moving his chocolate eyes to look at you straight in the face. "(Y/N), there's something I need to tell you, and it can't wait any longer." Your breath hitches slightly at this in anticipation. All kinds of negative thoughts racing through your mind. What if he no longer thought you were a good asset on the battlefield? Or what if it was to tell you that you had become too annoying for him to handle? "I-I uh . . . I um . . . oh, blast it!" Robin's sudden exclamation startles you, not having much time to process what is happening.

"Robin, what do you—" you were silenced by his lips suddenly on yours, his hands tightly grasping your own in nervousness. Your eyes widen at the sudden action. But the sensation, and because of who it's from, leads you to close your eyes and give in. Due to his inexperience he pulls back from the, somewhat sloppy but not bad, kiss to grasp at air with his lungs.

"And if that wasn't enough, (Y/N), I love you. Which is why I've been staying up so late. I want to protect you, even though I know you're fully capable . . ." he shakes his head squeezing your hands slightly, his eyes falling to the ground again as he expects a negative response. At his words your grin starts small, but doesn't stop there. It's as if you're grinning ear to ear, (E/C) eyes watering in happiness at his confession.

"Oh, Robin . . ." you remove one hand from his to touch his cheek, "you don't know how long I've wanted to hear those words from you." You stroke his cheek slightly before dropping your hand. "I love you too, magician tactician," you grin sheepishly, saying the nickname he hates on purpose.

"And here I was going to ask you something. I guess that'll wait till another time then," his brows furrowing slightly, but his eyes giving all of his playfulness away.

"Oh, fine. It's best you get some rest tonight anyways." You remove your hands from his and take a step back. Preparing to leave.

"(Y/N)! Hold!" Robin grabs your hand, yet again, and turns you around. He sheepishly rubs the back of his neck with his other hand. Face flushing a bright pink color. "Would you uh . . . stay the night? Not in a bad way of course! I just . . . um . . ." You laugh lightly at Robin's struggles, causing him to lightly glare at you.

"Okay, okay, I understand what you mean. I would love to Robin. But you best prepare, I am a cuddle person," you say teasingly as you make your way towards his nicely-sized cot. At your sentence he sends a cocky grin.

"Did you forget? I'm always three steps ahead," Robin says and climbs in next to you, wrapping his arms around you. "You better be ready for tomorrow, I wanna ask you that question." With those words he pulls something out of his coat, though well enough so you can't see what it is. Though it does make a nice metallic tink as it hits the ground.

I hope that was okay! It feels really cheesy to me lmao, but that may just be me. Thank you all for being so patient with me, I'm going to begin working as soon as possible on the next requests. I hope you all have a great day!


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