Just Step Right Into My Heart

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"I love you."


"Pretty interesting isn't it, dear?" your father asked you as he had just finished showing you around the studio. It was really cool having Freddie Mercury as a father, you got to do a lot of stuff that any other kid probably couldn't. You nodded in agreement and sat down on one of the spare couches. You watched your dad sit down in a small chair in front of a sound board and fiddle with a couple of the switches, after a couple of moments of silence you spoke up. "So, what are you doing now?" you asked and got off the couch, you were now standing behind your dad with your hands on his shoulders. Freddie relaxed under your touch and turned to look at you, "I'm just goanna listen to some songs and tweak them." he replied and gave you a small smile, being careful not to show his teeth. "Oh cool, what songs?" you asked and looked into his chocolate eyes. "From my new album, "Mr. Bad Guy"." Freddie said, his voice filled with pride. You giggled and nodded, "Cool." you said and went back to the couch where you had been sitting. You leaned back and listened to some clips of his songs and watched him change come things, you giggled here and there when he would talk to himself silently, but it was cute. You got bored after an hour or so and got up again to stretch your legs. You were heading towards the door to take a walk but Freddie stopped you, "Where are you going?" he asked in a dad like tone which sometimes annoyed you. "I was gonna get some air." you answered and looked at him, "No, Darling. Stay here where I can see you." he said and turned his attention back to the soundboard. You let out a tiny sigh and nodded. You walked back over to him and sat In the bigger chair next to him. You lifted your hand and went to touch one of the buttons but your dad slapped your hand away, "No." he said a bit annoyed, you groaned and leaned back in the chair.

Every hour that passed got more and more boring, you tried talking to him but he said he needed to focus, you tried to leave again and take a walk but that didn't end well either. Eventually you remembered that you had brought your polaroid camera to take pictures to show your friends. You went back to the couch where it had been sitting and watched your dad pull out a cigarette. You cringed as you saw him light it and take a puff, you hated smoking and wished that he would stop, unfortunately that wasn't up to you. You turned on your polaroid camera and took some pictures of the studio that you thought your friends would enjoy. You watched as the pictures developed and picked out which ones you did and didn't like. Once you were done sorting you saw that your dad was slouched over in his position and was taking some drags from his cigarette, he looked tired and miserable. You then lifted your polaroid camera and grinned, "Dad! Say cheese!" you squealed. Your dad had turned around in his chair when he heard you, he was in the middle of taking a puff of his cigarette when you snapped the picture. "(Y/N!) I swear if that doesn't look good!" he warned and turned back to the sound board to turn some things off, you two were about to leave, "What are you gonna do about it?" you argued and giggled to yourself. "I'll throw it away!" he replied and laughed. You rolled your eyes and watched him grab his coat. Seeing that the picture developed you ran over to him, nearly knocking him down, and shoved the picture in his face, you held it tight just in case he decided to snatch it and make a run for it. You watched him look at it for a couple of moments, "I guess you can keep it." he said and rolled his eyes playfully. "Good!" you said and followed him out the door. Once you two had gotten into his car your dad turned his attention to you. "I love you." he said and kissed your cheek swiftly. "I love you too." you whispered and smiled at him. No matter how 'bored' you got it still was a fun day.

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