Chapter 4: Being With You

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"Yama-chan! Ohayou." Yuto-kun entered the club room. It has been a week since this started. He would pop by at exactly 11 am and we would have lunch together. I didn't ask Yuto-kun why he keeps on having lunch with me. As far as I've known, he has a lot of friends. When we make our way to the cafeteria, we would pass by maybe 10 of his friends and they'd greet each other.

"Ohayou Yuto-kun. Coffee?" I raised a cup towards him offering him one. "No strawberry milk?" He asked as I poured him coffee on a cup. Unfortunately today I didn't have change with me so I wasn't able to buy strawberry milk and I felt like having coffee for today even if it's blazing hot outside.

"Arigatou." He thanked after he receives the cup. I returned back to my seat and started packing up. "Yama-chan you're not yet done on your project article?" Yuto-kun took a seat beside me and sipped his coffee. He really has nice fashion sense. For today, he was wearing black jeans and a white three-fourths polo with a brown vest over it. "Huh? Oh. The one about you guys? I already passed it yesterday afternoon." Before going home, I approached my professor and passed him the article I wrote. When he received it, he just placed it on the top of the other articles so I didn't know by then if my writing was fine.

"You should've let me read it! I'm part of the band you know." A thing I learned about Yuto-kun is that he likes to pout. He's like a little kid. Does he notice this about him too?

"If you wanna read it badly I still have the soft copy in my laptop."

"Hontou? I'll read it!"

"After lunch then. I'm sort of hungry now." He nodded in understanding. After I fixed my things, we went on our way to the cafeteria. As usual it had a lot of students inside but we are always lucky to have that one specific table near the window sill. When you look outside you'd be able to see the garden of the Botany students.

"Ne, Yuto-kun. Do you play other instruments?" Hikaru-kun said that Yuto-kun is a god in music. He can play anything but he's especially great on the drums.

"Well, there's the guitar, paino and bass. I revolve myself around band instruments especiall string and percussion but I do wanna learn some wind instruments." For today's lunch it was katsudon for the both of us and today it was very lucky for me to have a small pack of strawberries. The canteen lady is so nice. She knows I always buy one when I have the chance so whenever there are strawberries, she would reserve one pack for me.

"How bout you Yama-chan? Anything besides the saxophone which by the way you still have to let me hear you play it." He had been pestering me about this since the day I told him I play the sax. I keep telling him soon but I hope he forgets about it. It was only 2 years ago when I first got my sax and I had been practicing but not that much anymore. With school and the journalism club, it's hard to find time to practice it.

"I told you, soon. I'll create a concert just for you." I smiled at him and he smiled back. Yuto-kun's smile is so warm. It gives me a fluttery feeling inside and I don't understand why or what's it all about.

"That's a promise okay."


"Pinky promise?" He raised a pinky in front of me and I raised a brow. Is he serious? Yuto-kun is really a child. With a chuckle, I intertwined my pinky with his. "Promise."

"We have to get going now. Classes are about to start." Another routine would be walking to my classroom. Before I would decline his offer telling him I would be fine alone but he keeps on insisting. He said he wanted to be with me more. Don't know what that really means but I do also want to be with Yuto-kun more. He's the first ever friend I made in my life so I enjoy being in his company and talk about life and stuff like other friends do. Before I would actually be jealous of people hanging out and having fun; wishing I could have a group like them too.

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