Chapter 7: Falling For You

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"Yama-chan!" Yuto was running down the hallways with his thesis on his hand. People would move aside when he passes through. It didn't matter to him that he has bumped into more than five people. He just wants to find Ryosuke.

Even in the hallways, Yuto is calling out for Ryosuke's name. He obviously knows that Ryosuke won't just randomly answer him but his excitement just couldn't be contained.

"Yama-chan!" He pushed the Journalism club room door wide open and the person inside jolted in his seat almost making him spill his cup of coffee.

"You scared me Yuto-kun." Ryosuke set down the mug on the table after he took a sip. He eyed Yuto who was walking towards him with a radiant smile on his face. Something good might have happened, Ryosuke thinks. Yuto is always smiling but today his aura seems a little different. A little more brighter than usual.

Without saying anything, Yuto shows Ryosuke his thesis paper and the shorter one ajusted his glasses to steady his vision. His eyes then widened when it landed on a big red 95% rating in the front page.

"Congratulations Yuto-kun!!" Ryosuke wasn't able to contain the same amount of happiness as Yuto that he slammed himself to the taller giving him a tight hug.

My ear is pressed on Yuto-kun's chest and I could hear and feel his heart beating fast. Maybe he's just very happy of the results.

"Umm Yama-chan?" I forgot I was clinging on to him so I abruptly untangled myself from Yuto-kun and kept a distance from him; clearing my throat even if nothing was stuck.

"Congrats. You really deserved it." I gave a soft pat on his shoulder but he returned it to me with his smile again. Damn this boy is gonna be the death of me if he keeps on smiling like that.

"Well, if it wasn't for your help I would have never even got a score like this so thank you Yama-chan." I was about to reply with a 'sure no problem' but I wasn't able to because Yuto-kun pulled me in his arms and hugged me. I was frozen on my place. My whole body felt numb but my heart is beating like it just ran a marathon. I can feel Yuto-kun's breath just right beside my ear. I was on my tippy toes because Yuto-kun pulled me up as well when he hugged me.

"I really appreciate everything you did for me Ryosuke." Glob. Did he just call me with my first name? Not to mention his sweet husky voice that is just so near my ear I could even hear him breathing. Whew, is it getting hot in here or what? I tried to act less awkward so I patted him again, this time on his back and ran my hand up and down.

"Wanna go grab some lunch?" This was the only way I could release the awkward tension in me.

"Sure. My treat." He released me from his embrace and ruffled my hair. I looked up at Yuto-kun and pouted but as soon as it processed in my mind that he was gonna treat me, all doubts and confusion were just thrown out the window.

"What are we waiting for Yuto-kun! Let's go!" I hurriedly grabbed my sling bag from the table and rushed out the club room. I was gonna make a run for it to the cafeteria but Yuto-kun held me (more like held my hand) back.

"Woah slow down. The cafeteria isn't going anywhere. Just take it smooth." Yuto-kun didn't let go of my hand. Instead, he even held it tighter. This is bad. The feelings inside keep on growing and if Yuto-kun continues this kind of act, I might explode.

Two weeks ago, that morning after we finished proofreading Yuto-kun's thesis, I have confirmed something I never would have expected to admit in my whole life.

I am in love with Nakajima Yuto.

Yes. There, I already said it. If I could see the me of before, I would dub myself as the king of denial. It has always been within me. This feeling isn't just mere appreciation or admiration.

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