Chapter 6: A Night With You

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"Yama-chan good morning!" This has become a daily routine for the both of us. Yuto-kun would pass by the journalism club room at exactly 11am then he'd wait for me to finish fixing my things and we would go grab lunch together on the same spot we've been eating lunch for the past three months. Summer has passed and we're starting to feel the cold breeze of September.

"Good morning Yuto-kun." I grabbed the chocolate drink from the table and threw it to him which he perfectly caught with his long slender muscular arm. What did I just say? What is happening to me? It has been weeks since I've been taking too much interest in Yuto-kun. He just won't leave my brain. Not that I mind though.

"Hey, Yama-chan," Yuto-kun called me. We were already seated on our table and were about to eat our lunch. "Can I ask a favor from you?"

I looked at him then shrugged my shoulders. Yuto-kun has been doing a lot of things for me since the start so whatever favor it is, (as long as it's within my capacity) I will do it.

"Sure. What's it about?" I took a sip from my pink lemonade and man it was sweet.  "I need help on proofreading."

"Proofreading? Sure why not. When do you need it?" The time I finish proofreading an essay depends on the number of pages there are. If it's a maximum of three pages then 30 minutes would be enough.

"Tomorrow morning." Yuto-kun looked tensed and had a nervous smile on. "Sure. How long is the essay?" I could hear him swallow a lump in his throat. I really couldn't understand why he was acting this way. I already told him I'll help him.

"Um. It's not an essay." He was uneasy in his seat. "Then what? A report?" A five-paged report would take me an hour so it still won't be a hassle for me.

"No. It's not a report as well." I am so lost. If not an essay or a report then what is this that Yuto-kun is so aggitated about. It's not like it's a-

"Thesis." I mumbled loud enough for Yuto-kun to hear. He nodded his head and my eyes widened. A thesis contained a minimum of 30 pages! How does Yuto-kum expect me to proofread a thesis in one night!

"Please Yama-chan. I'll treat you to anything." He was already folding his hands and bowing in front of me. I was still in a daze. I really don't know how I'm gonna proofread 30 pages or more in more or less 10 hours. A thesis isn't something I can just scan. I gotta read every paragraph, every sentence and check every word! You can never have mistakes when it comes to a thesis.

"Please Yama-chan. You're my only hope." Yuto-kun squeezed my hands on the table. I could feel the warth radiating inside me, climbing up my cheeks. Yuto-kun's touch is really electrifying. Well for me atleast. He was also attacking me with puppy dog eyes and a pout. Damn it! I can never resist him when he does this. Yuto-kun tells me sometimes that I act childish but he doesn't realize that he does too.

"Okay." I sighed and smiled at him. If Yuto-kun was a puppy, his tail would be wagging by now. "But on one condition."

"Anything!" I could feel the desperation in Yuto-kun's tone. "You have to accompany me in proofreading. I don't know what your thesis is about so you have to be there so I won't alter anything important." As much as I like working alone, a thesis of someone else is a different case. I might delete something important and that would be terrible for Yuto-kun.

"That's all?! No problem! Thank you Yama-chan." He pulled me into his chest and gave me a hug. I could feel my cheeks heating up from embarrasement (or is it?).

After classes were over, I met with Yuto-kun at the gates of the school. He was tapping on his phone when I walked up to him.

"Oh Yama-chan. You're here already." He returned his phone inside his pocket and we went our way to my house. It's not a home 'cuz no one practically lives there when I go out. Most of the time it's abandoned and dark.

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