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The electronic school bell buzzed and a commotion arose. Books snapped shut, zippers pulled and chairs slammed underneath desk. Leo never understood why you would want to leave so suddenly, he always likes to finish his thoughts before he leaves.

Leo finishes his sentence talking about the life in the trenches during world war two before clicking his pen and closing his book. As he leaves the classroom his best friend Mark standing next to where his bag was hung up on a hook.

"Finally," Mark rolls his eyes to earn a sarcastic smile from Leo.

"The bell went thirty seconds ago, you couldn't wait?" Leo sighs, taking his bag from the hook and putting his pencil case and History notebook inside.

"No, no I couldn't," Mark says, putting his hands on his hips. Leo laughs and swings his black bag over his shoulder. The friends walk in comfortable silence until they reach the school library, the second largest building in the school, where beside the large bush with purple flowers no one knew the name of there is a bench where Leo and his friend's claimed as their own in the first week of high school.

"See, Nicola and Tamsyn aren't even here yet," Leo chides. "So stop your complaining about me taking my time."

"They're right over there," Mark says pointing into the far distance down the pebble crete pathway that snaked its away around the whole school. And he was right. The two girls, chatting away came toward them, their hands clutching their school skirts as a strong breeze had picked up.

"You will never believe what just happened after geography," Nicola giggles sitting opposite Mark, throwing her bag on the table.

"You got asked out?" Mark and Leo almost chorus. Almost every boy in the year thought Nicola was at least a bit hot except for Mark and Leo who had known her since they were five. Nicola scowled at them playfully before returning to her previous, elated facial expression.

"By Byron Winters!" She almost squeals. To be fair Byron Winters was probably the best looking guy in the year. Byron is one of those lucky individuals who never got acne, had been graced with crystal blue eyes and thick auburn hair swept into a side fringe. Effortlessly popular and on all the representative sporting teams he didn't just have the looks.

"Here we go again," Mark mutters under his breath, earning a kick in the shin from Nicola.

"So Tim Tam, you been asked out lately?" Mark asks using our favourite nickname for Tamsyn. Tamsyn is sitting opposite Leo almost touching shoulders with Nicola, casually eating her sandwich. The question catches her off guard and she looks puzzled for a second before laughing it off.

"Nah, boy germs you know," She says, her mouth still full of food which of course didn't worry the boys in the slightest.

"You saying we have cooties?" Leo asks with a tone of mock offence. Tamsyn swallows her food and looks at the boys individually.

"Eh, you two are clean but don't you think I want either of you trying to get in my pants," she warns, trying not to laugh. Mark and Leo laugh uncomfortably except Mark had a sarcastic tone behind it while Leo's was genuine.

Mark elbowed his friend in the ribs.

"You won't have to worry about Leo here, he doesn't want his dick near anyone with a vagina," He laughs like it was the funniest thing in the world. Nicola And Tamsyn join in.

Leo looks down at his lap feeling his face heat up.

"I'm not gay," he manages. They stop laughing and Mark puts a hand on his best friend's shoulder.

"We aren't making fun of you, we are completely fine with whatever sexuality you happen to identify with," Mark smiles reassuringly.

"I'm not gay," Leo says firmer this time. They all seem like they knew he was gay, was he just lying to himself?

There was a silence over the table for about ten seconds before Nicola's phone goes off inside her bag.

"Shit," She laughs, looking around for teachers before reaching into her bag to turn her phone off.

"Bloody hell Nix, if a teacher heard that you'd be dead," Mark sighs, shaking his head.

Leo reaches into his own bag and pulls out a tall, silver thermos mug and cracks the top open, breathing in the aromatic tea leaves infused with water, still quite warm. That morning he had made a rosemary tea, probably his third favourite tea. One other thing about Leo is that he loves to make lists.

He takes a sip and is filled with the warmth and almost imeadietly feels the relaxing effect it had on his body. With both hands around the mug he sits on the bench surrounded by his best friends, the breeze rippling through his dark curly hair.

Short ish chapter sorry

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