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Leo eats his sandwich hungrily enjoying it thoroughly. It was the first week since the places had been announced and Ms White already has them on weekend practices.

Leo was tremendously disgusted at waking up at eight am on a Saturday and having to get dressed and go to school, thankfully, not in uniform.

"So glad there aren't any thee's or where art thou's in the play," Mark says with his mouth full of sandwich. "Modern retellings are basically the movies of plays."

"Mark, plays can become movies you spork," Leo shakes his head, smiling at his friend. "And what's hard about reading the book for class, honestly."

"Leo," he swallows this time before talking. "Do you know how much time it takes to actually read a book, don't answer that," he adds after seeing Leo's raised eyebrow. "It's just easier to watch an hour and a half movie."

"Whatever you say."

"Alright, breaks over, let's get right into it," Ms White yells at the grumbling students.

* * *

"Juliet, our parents can never know about us for they would resent us and we'd be thrown out," Leo reads from the script. Just underneath in asterisks reads.

*Romeo takes Juliet's hand lovingly*

Great, Leo inwardly groans and reluctantly laces his fingers through Ellie's. Leo can hear Mark wolf whistle but elects to ignore it. He looks to Ellie as the script instructs.

"Oh Romeo, if only it didn't have to be this way," she reads.

"But it has to if we wish to be together."

This continues for another two hours before Ms White lets them return home.

"See ya Monday Lee," Mark waves as he slides into the passenger seat of his families car.

"You too," Leo waves back and watches his families car with green L plates on. He groans as it approaches.

Monica sits in the drivers seat looking stressed and their mum in the passenger. He jumps into the back seat and prepares himself for death. He signs the cross with his hand and his eldest sister shoots him a dirty look through the rear view mirror.

"Come on Leo, Monnie is getting better everyday," their mother shakes her head at her children.

"I'll be the judge of that if I survive," he teases.

They arrive home in one piece, Leo over dramatically falling to the ground as he steps out of the car, pretending to kiss the ground which earns him a kick in the ribs from Monica.

"Alright you two, break it up," their mother rolls her eyes at the two squabbling siblings.

"Leo!" Blake squeals as she runs down the driveway and wraps her skinny arms around her only brother.

"I wasn't gone that long was I?" He laughs.

"I need to show my paintings," she takes his hand and drags him to the back porch where a small easel is set up surrounded by paint covered paper lying on the floor to dry.

"This one is you Lee," she points at a piece of paper with a vaguely human shaped purple blob.

"That's amazing Blakey," he smiles, praising his sister with a hug. "You can be a famous artist when you're older,"

"I'll be like Mona Lisa!" She squeals excitedly. Leo doesn't have the heart to tell her that's a painting not a painter.

"Leo! Can you come here a sec?" His mother's voice calls. He heads back inside and walks into the lounge.

"Can you put these baskets in each of your sisters rooms and tell them to put their clothes away, don't forget yours as well honey," she points to the line of four basket of neatly folded clothes. Leo picks up the first one, easily identified as his own and puts it on his bed. He picks up the next basket he chuckles at the over whelming amount of black. He heads to Hannah's room and places her basket on her quote, 'tumblr aesthetic' sheets. He describes his second eldest sister's room as a depressing mess of floor-drobe and band posters.

Blake's basket is fairly obvious from the pink princess shirts and butterfly patterned shorts. Her room, pink and pretty, a complete opposite from her rather tomboy-ish sisters. He places the basket gently on his little sister bed, laughing to himself at the fact he placed it right over Ariel's face on her bed sheets.

He places Monica's basket on her bed and back tracks to his own room. As he sorts his clothes into his drawers, he slips into his thoughts. Since Tuesday he had gained three new numbers in his phone's barren contact list. He has become quite close to Moira, Alex and Ella; they had taught him a lot about the rest of the LGBT+ community and he loves talking to Moira about how they can relate to each other. Ella had teased that they'd be cute together. Moira laughed along with her but the comment gave Leo an unsettled feeling. They had only gotten to know each other that week and he didn't understand how they could have feelings for each other already.

He sighs and looks out his window where in the distance he can see Blake and Monica running around with Frankie and Logan. He feels wrong not experiencing attraction like everyone else, he feels alien, he had Moira yes but even she was still different to him. She still got crushes, obsessed over boys and such. Leo just feels like he has something else missing.

two more chapters to go now

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