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Leo gains consciousness of where he is, waking up but his eyes not opening. They are sore and irritated from looking at the screen of the computer all night. He rolls onto his side and pulls the doona up over his head, thank goodness it is a weekend.

Eventually the smell of the Briggs' family weekly, Saturday morning pancakes persuaded him to get out of bed and face the morning. He stumbles to the kitchen where his dad is at the stove flipping pancakes in the air to for the amusement of Blake. Hannah is also already at the table wearing her gay pride jumper, her favourite ever since their parents bought it for her just after she came out.

Monica appears shortly after Leo with dishevelled bed hair and her slippers on the wrong feet.

"Mumma's had to go to work this morning, a bunch of the other nurses took a sick day so they're short," his dad explains to the Leo and Monica. "Monica, can you grab the pancake box from the pantry please?" She grunts what seems to be a yes and shuffles over to the pantry and pulls down a box from the top shelf. She places it on the table and Leo rushes to grab his favourite topping first, lemon juice and sugar.

His Dad finished cooking the pancakes and serves each child three, leaving a few still on the plate. Leo opens the bottle and draws a smiley face with the lemon juice and sprinkles a teaspoon of sugar over the top.

After all four kid and Dad have finished their pancakes and Blake helped Dad with the washing up, Hannah and Leo are the only ones left in the dining room, Hannah on her phone and Leo making himself some Green tea.

"Hey Hannah," Leo speaks up.

"Huh?" She looks up at him.

"You know about gay stuff right?" At this comment she looks down at her rainbow jumper sarcastically.

"Probably," her voice drips with sarcasm.

"Have you heard of Asexuality?" With this Hannah looks away from her phone properly, turning it off and setting it on the table.

"Yes, do you reckon you're Ace?"

"Huh?" Leo asks confused.

"It's a shorter way of saying Asexual," she explains.

"Oh, well, yeah,"

"Alright," she turns her phone back on and resumes whatever she was doing. Leo frowns

"Is that it?" Leo places his hands on his hips.

"What do you want me to say?"

"I don't know," he shrugs, looking down at his feet.

"You gonna tell Mum and Dad?"

"Eventually," Leo nods. The kettle finishes boiling and he pours it into his mug. Hannah doesn't say anything back and Leo sighs.

Leo took his mug and headed to his room. He picked his phone up from his desk and plugs it into charge. The display lights up and he sees mostly game notifications and a few texts.

Nix 1:24 am

Oi babe, Mark told me you were gonna be Romeo in the play. I'm gonna get Byron to come with me

Mark 2:14 am

Mate can you send me the science homework answers

Leo laughs and replies to both of these. Haven't got the part yet. And, do it yourself you bludger.

He places his phone back down and exchanges it for his current read, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes , he has been getting really into them, the adventures of the detective and the ex-army doctor.

Leo really loves to read but he enjoys this series so much in particular for the rare lack of romantic plotline. He had never been one for lovey dovey stories but they are unavoidable as that all anyone wants to write about apparently.

The hours tick by and the amount of pages behind his right thumb dwindle. It's late in the afternoon and Leo negotiates with himself, one more story.  As the adventure closes so does the book and it gets laid on Leo's bedside table. He gets up and stretches, walking out to the outdoor living space. The whole family seems to be outside. Monica laying in the grass reading, Hannah in the hammock on her phone, Blake sitting in the grass with her barbies, Dad cleaning the shed and Mum hanging out the washing.

Leo walks up the paddock where the dogs run around all day.

"Come here Frankie, come here Logan," he calls. The two dogs head's shoot up and they come bounding over to their boy. 

"Who's my good boys?" he coos as the fur balls knock him over. Leo fights to sit back up but not before his face is completely licked. 

"Okay, where's your ball?" 

* * *

Leo spends his weekend how he usually would. Reading, being outside and putting up with his sisters. In the back of his mind, there was always that word. Asexual. He ignored it, for the most part, dwelling on these things would only make them worse. Soon it was Sunday evening, he had play auditions tomorrow. Even though he would be prioritised for parts he still wants to try his best.

Hannah's jumper

Hannah's jumper

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