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Leo and Mark stood in the clumped half circle of students around a small cork board with a piece of paper pinned to it that will tell you if you are a cool loser or just a loser. Taking drama automatically makes you a loser but scoring a main role will make you cool, at least for a while.

Leo got closer to the board to make out the castings.

ROMEO - Leo Briggs

JULIET - Ellie Yates

MERCUTIO - Matthew Beckett

TYBALT - Mark Jacobs


BENVOLIO - Dylan Bay

JULIET'S NURSE - Charlie Dyball

PARIS - Killian Trust

CAPULET - Michael Lillies

ROSALINE - Faith Mills


MONTAGUE - Tyler Strong

LADY MONTAGUE - Harriet Redwing

EXTRAS - Camilla Astill, Avery Destrey, Wyatt Swan, Tara Quell, Georgia Nolan, Mary-Ann Target, Mekhala Singh, James Dare, Hailey Myer

"Mate, you got the lead role," Mark shoves his friend affectionately.

"I put down Mercutio though," Leo looks confused.

"You know Ms White, she loves you, and you are one pf the best drama students in the year," Mark leads him away from the crowd. "But I'm Tybalt, so I get to kill your best friend and then you kill me," he feigns his death dramatically.

"Yeah I guess," he shrugs. 

"And you get to hold hands with Ellie Yates," Mark winks at him with a smirk.

"She's alright, I mean, I'd rather not," Leo says shyly.

"Oh that's right, you're a nun now."

"I'm not a bloody nun," Leo says firmly. 

"Yeah yeah well you don't want to have sex, that's pretty nun like." 

"No, I'm not a girl and I'm also not religious," he groans.

"Whatever," he rolls his eyes and walks away, leaving Leo to stand still in the crowded hall. He walks the other way, heading to his homeroom class.

Leo stares out the window once his name had been called which was the second on the roll leaving him thinking about Mark. Why couldn't he just accept the fact that he was like this? It wasn't in Leo's control anyway and he really didn't want to end his friendship with Mark after so many year.

The announcements drool through the speakers but nothing of interest comes to Leo until the end.

"Finally, the principal would like to tell you all that our school has it's own LGBT+ group being held every Tuesday lunch time starting today in the hall. Feel free to come along no matter who you are, all will be welcome even if you are just supporting."

Leo sits up out of his slouch, maybe that would be nice, to hang out with people in the LGBT+ community but he knows that Mark and Tamsyn would criticise him. He knows Nicola would be fine with it as she was always supportive of anything queer and was always going on about her gay ships.

* * *

The hours slip by and the bell rings for lunch. Thankfully it was Commerce so he didn't have any of his friends in that class so he could head off to the hall.

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