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First person

My eyes have adjusted to the glaring stage lights. My costume, a little scratchy but I'm holding up pretty well. I look up at Ellie's face and say my lines with all the sincerity I can muster. Surprisingly, I have only messed up the lines once, which I played off easily.

I see out of the corner of my eye, Mark silently cheering me on from off stage, I repress the urge to smile back at him and continue performing.

* * *

Now I lay on the stage floor, trying not to giggle as I watch Juliet wake up and see her Romeo's lifeless body. Ellie always performs this bit extremely over the top but that's what makes our Romeo and Juliet, a humorous tale.

* * *

I take Ellie's hand with my right and Mark's with my left and we walk to the front of the stage and raise our arms and bow. Through the cheering of the audience I'm pretty sure I can hear Moira's voice screaming over the noise. I smile wide, ignoring the sweat plowing through my stage makeup and wave to the audience as the curtains close.

As soon as we're hidden the cast and crew erupt into our own cheering and we all unceremoniously collide in a giant group hug, those of us in the centre of it all are pushed to the ground in fits of laughter.

"That was bloody brilliant guys," Mark cheers as all the males in the cast are forced into the boys bathroom to remove our makeup with nothing more than scrunched up bits of toilet paper and tap water.

"Yeah," I reply happily but groaning a little as I accidentally push foundation further into my hair. "You did great Mark."

"Leo, shut up. You were bloody Romeo and you killed it," Matt jumps in. "Even if your Juliet really likes girls she sold it too my queen." They all laugh with Matt and continue small talk and banter until the end of the night.

I wave goodbye as I leave the dressing room with my bag strung over my shoulders, I walk to the gate where my parents will be waiting for me but as I pass the English classroom I overhear rather strange noises and a voice that sounds kind of like my sister. I treads slowly and carefully and turns the corner to find Hannah lip-locked with a girl I can't see the face of. I cough dramatically and they spring apart and the identity of the girl is revealed.

"Tamsyn?" I raise an eyebrow. My best friend's face turns red while my sister laughs.

"Surprise baby bro. I'm dating you best friend!" She announces in between laughs while Tamsyn shoots her a deadly look that doesn't last more than .3 of a second before relaxing into one of adoration.

"Well, I can say I was not expecting that," I smile. "Come on Hannah, we have to go now anyway." Hannah places one last kiss on Tamsyn's cheek and waved her goodbye.

We walk together the rest of the way to the gates. Strolling in comfortable silence.

"Hey Lee," Hannah's voice breaks the silence.


"Do you like girls or guys?"

"Um, both I guess. Why?"

"Great because I found this really guy I wanna hook you up with and I think you'll be adorable together," she grabs my wrist and drags me toward the hall where her friend probably still is.

* * *

This was the story of Leo Briggs coming to terms with his sexuality. His future? He ended up doing acting in university and has finally gotten a supporting role in a major film franchise. He proposed to his boyfriend of eight years, (the guy Hannah hooked him up with, yeah they didn't get together at first but they did in the later years of high school) Hugo, when he finished his degree in 2026. And the wedding date was set for three months time.

Leo and Hugo have lived a great married life with their adopted daughter Kelsie and you know what, they did it all without ever have sex.

If there is sex without love, can't there be love without sex?

and that's it, the end! how did you feel about his life? i personally like this ending, surprisingly. i haven't ever successfully finished a book on wattpad before mainly because i don't like the endings. i thank you for reading this book all the way through to the end and appreciate that you gave up your time where you could have been reading better books. for the last time, see ya ~ Gracie Pegs

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