Chapter 5 (If they like you they're gonna love me)

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         "Hime!" The brothers yelled.

         "Yami!" The twins yelled. 'God, what now?' Hime thought to herself keeping her eyes focused on the book she was reading.

         "Hime!" The brothers yelled again coming up to her table with the twins right behind them.

             "Yami!" The twins yelled when they got to the table.

         "What?" She asked calmly not looking up from her book. They suddenly started talking at exactly the same time not making any sense. She wasn't really listening to them a just kept reading suddenly they yelled together.

           "And that's why its not our fault!" And she looked up slowly.

       "What?" She asked slightly confused. The twins sighed and The brothers shook their head slowly in mock disappointment.

     "Were you listening to a word we said?" They all asked then glared at each other. 'For people who don't like each other they sure say a lot at the same time.' She thought to herself.

           "No, because I knew you'd repeat it slower if I didn't listen to you. And I wanted to finish that page before you gave me a headache." She said bluntly and put the book down making sure it was open on the page so she could finish later. "Now one at a time or I'll ignore you for the rest of the day." She said coolly and finally looked at them. "Twins you first, I need a laugh today." They started into a animated story about how The brothers walked over to their table and stole all their customers with The twins routine. They raved about how Aiko and Aito shouldn't even be in the club and that they were evil and should stay over here with her like the lost puppies they were. Aiko and Aito started to yell but Hime silenced them with a look that they knew meant to shut up.

          "And then we got two new customers and they stole them too!" They said looking at the Brothers like they really did believe they were evil. Hime sighed heavily and turned to her brothers.

         "Okay, your turn," She said finally. The brothers launched into an elaborate story about how they saw that the customers were getting sick of the twins and looked like they needed some fresh faces. They also pointed out that they didn't steal the customers but the customers left freely.

          "And those last two customers came to see us in the first place and just went to check you out." The brothers finished with a satisfied grin on both their faces.

"Nu-Uh!" Hikaru and Kaoru yelled.

"Uh-huh!" Aiko and Aito yelled back.



        This went on for a good three minutes before it finally started giving Hime the headache she'd been trying to avoid.

         "Shut-up now! Or I will feed you to the cats in the allies!" Hime yelled using one of the only threats that seemed to get through their thick skulls. They were quiet at once and she sighed again. 'Why does this always happen to me. I mean Kyoya's always available.' She thought glaring at aforementioned host hoping he felt really uncomfortable right now. Then she turned back to the boys and glared at them. She looked at the twins and said," Look, if your customers are as great as you think they wouldn't have left when Aiko and Aito came over to steal them." Then she looked at her brothers. "And you," She said in a stern voice. "This is the last time I'm going to tell you to leave the twins and their customers alone. Got it?" She asked forcefully making sure they knew she was serious. The boys were scared but they weren't going to show her that. The brothers looked at each other silently agreeing and put lazy smirks on their faces.

          "Ok Hime. We promise." They said hugging her and sticking their tongues out at The twins from behind her.

     "And if you two don't put your tongues back in your mouths I will personally rip them out." She said hugging back knowing her brothers all to well.

          "Sorry." They said sadly and pulled away giving her a sad look. Hime smiled kindly.

          "Your forgiven. But if either of you come complaining to me about the other for the rest of the week I'll feed you to the cats in the alley and let the dogs and rats in the gutter have the remains." She said still smiling. Their faces paled and they all nodded. "Good. And lets face it I could steal all your customers by the end of the week and still have time to finish my book." She said picking up her book and starting to read again. The twins got a sneaky look in their eyes.

        "By all," Kaoru started.

        "Do you mean every host?" Hikaru finished.

        "Absolutely." Hime answered without looking up.

            "Do you want to bet on that?" The brothers asked catching on to The twins scheme. Hime sighed and closed the book marking her page with her finger.

        "If I say yes will you go away." She said looking at them eyes full of boredom.

        "Sure just as long as we know what you get if you win." The twins answered.

           "Fine. If I win, since this is such a huge task," She said rolling her eyes. "I want the entire host club too... kiss each other, Mitsukuni included, I want you guys to leave me alone for a full two weeks, and I want Kyoya to not tell me what to do or reprimand me once for the next two weeks." She said a satisfied smirk on her face.

        "That's not fair!" The twins yelled.

          "Yeah! That's a lot of stuff and how are we supposed to make Kyoya agree?" The brothers agreed. Then they all looked surprised because them agreeing was not a frequent thing. She shrugged.

         "Either deal with it or let this stupid bet go." She concluded.

        "Fine as long as we can make our win whatever we want." They said after talking it over.

          "Whatever, you'll lose anyway" she said then opened her book and continued reading. They all ran over to Kyoya and started muttering to him most likely about the bet. Hime didn't really want to do it but it was much more fun to watch them squirm than to say no. Plus the whole host club kissing each other that would be hilarious! The twins and her brothers ran back over to her and yelled.

         "It's on!" And she smiled and put her bookmark inside her book and stood up.

        "Fine but remember you asked for this." She said with a smirk.

     "What makes you so sure you'll win?" They asked a little put off by her confidence.

        "Because if they like you then they're gonna LOVE me." She said and smiled walking over to The twins table because their customers didn't seem very loyal. She stopped at the head of the table and put a lazy smirk on her face. "Hello Ladies..."

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