Ouran Love Chapter 10 (I'm totally irrevocably, undeniably screwed)

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              "Lalalalala sing a happy song!" Aiko sang obnoxiously at the top of his lungs.

              "Lalalalalala All the smurf day long!" Hime and Aito joined in yelling to out sing Aiko.

                Aiko covered his ears playfully making a face, "Whoever thinks cats can sing should hear you two."

              Hime punched him in the arm glaring playfully, "Whatever. How long have you been waitin' to say that one?" She said smirking. Aiko shrugged.

          "A while actually." He said with a smile.

             "Yep he rehearses it in the mirror every night before bed." Aito joked smiling. Aiko feigned a shocked expression eyes filling with fake tears.

          "You promised you wouldn't tell anyone!" He yelled turning away. Aito got a sincere look in his eyes and wrapped his arm around Aiko using his free hand to turn his head to face him.

                 "I'm sorry it's just that it's so cute when you do I thought our sister just HAD to know." They stared into each others eyes for a minute until Hime burst into loud laughter.

                "If you guys are trying to imitate Hikaru and Kaoru you got it all wrong. The oldest is supposed to be the one telling the embarrassing secrets and comforting the youngest not the other way around." She finished wiping her eyes and holding her stomach. The boys stared at her for a moment before shrugging.

             "We can never tell them apart so it doesn't matter."

            Hime continued walking up their stairs and pausing to turn back and say, "You guys know you are entirely to dumb for your own good sometimes." And with that she opened the door laughing at their offended looks but what she saw when she walked in made her stop in her tracks.The boys kept walking and ended up bumping into her. They caught themselves at the last minute and looked at her.

                    "Why'd you stop?" They asked. Before Hime could answer their mother spoke up.

             "Aiko! Aito! What have I told you about talking at the same time. You boys both have your own voices so use them!" The sound of their mother's voice made them stiffen and their heads snapped up. Aiko walked in front of Aito and Hime and stood straighter.

                 "Mom? Dad? What are you doing back?" He asked.

                 "We weren't coming back yet until the staff called and said you three were acting weird and having some problems." Their father replied only looking up from his phone to glare at them when he spoke the word problems.

               "Well you know how nosy staff is. They blow every little thing out of-"

                  "Hime why are you wearing boys clothing again?" Her mother spoke as if Aiko wasn't talking at all fixing Hime with a glare. Hime cursed under her breath and stepped in front of Aiko and looking her mother straight in the eye.

                 "Mother I..." Hime trailed off because she didn't really know how to explain. "You boys are so troublesome." Their mother said snapping her phone shut finally looking at them with a stern glare. Hime held back a heavy sigh. Of all the people she wanted to have consider her a boy her parents weren't one of those people and they called her a boy because they new it bugged her. She heard Aito sigh quietly but it wasn't quiet enough to escape her parents hearing. They had let their ears and tails out while she was thinking and now they both turned to look at Aito who'd turned as white as a ghost.

           "Is there a problem boy?" His father asked eyes narrowed. Aito shook his head quickly backing away.

          "Use your words son!" Their mother yelled.

         "No." Aito said quietly.

            "What was that?" Their father asked though he'd heard perfectly well.

      "I said No, father, mother." His father stared him down and looked ready to say something before their mother spoke up.

                 "Oh will you children let out your tails and your ears this instance. I told you the only reason we hide them is because it's bad for business but you kids should be perfectly fine keeping them out." Their mother watched with a satisfied smirk as the brothers ears popped up and their tails unfurled. "That's better." She said turning back to her phone.


          "I don't want to hear it until you take off that repulsive wig and let your ears and tail out. How you go so long without doing so is beyond me." Her mother interrupted never looking up from the screen of her phone. Hime yanked off the wig letting her hair fall and her ears and tail come out.

                  "There I did it. Now will you listen to me?" Hime asked tone sharp. The look she got from her parents told her it was the wrong thing to do. Next thing Hime knew her mother was in front of her holding her chin. She gripped it tightly and almost purred when she talked.

              "You know kitten it's not that I'm not listening its that your voice irritates me more than claws on a chalk board... or filthy dogs." Her mother said the last part like it left a bad taste in her mouth. She put a claw to her daughters face, "I'm gonna give you boys a place to kiss better so you feel useful tonight." She said addressing Aito and Aiko and with that she dug her claw into Hime's cheek carving an X on one and then turning her head and carving it on the other. Hime winced and bit her tongue holding back a scream. 'At least she'll be satisfied and won't touch Aiko or Aito after this.' Was the only thought keeping her quiet. Screaming irritated her mother. Her screaming infuriated her mother. Either way she lost if she screamed so she stayed quiet while her mother finished. When she pulled back looking satisfied Hime's cheeks stung almost unbearably. "There one for both of you. Now out of my sight all of you. Oh and Aito, Aiko don't look so pitiful. Hime took it like the man I wish she was born as." Her mother turned making sure to drop the fact that she didn't like, respect, or enjoy the thought of Hime's gender known to everyone once again.

                 Hime, Aito, and Aiko all filed up the stairs walking straight into Hime's room like they did every time their parents came home. Hime didn't bother undressing just sat on the bed while both her brothers sat on either side and started licking her cuts. Neko saliva had healing powers and no matter how disgusting it was it couldn't change the fact that she needed healing. She winced as they came in contact the cuts but they didn't stop. It took about five minutes and although they couldn't completely heal the cut they made sure it wouldn't completely scar.

                      "It might just be a light bruise if we're lucky." Aiko commented checking his work on Hime's cheek.

             "OK." Hime said laying back and closing her eyes. Her brothers stared at each other for a moment then agreeing silently they laid down on either side of her grabbing her hands in theirs. 'We won't let anyone else hurt you ever again.' They both thought. 'She's mine.' They unknowingly thought at the same time falling asleep on that thought. 'No one's hurting them. They're mine.' Hime thought possessively gripping both their hands tightly before falling asleep herself.

I'm sorry I went to see the smurfs and that songs been stuck in my head forever so I had to put it in the story. OK you've met their parents now I need to know if you guys want pictures or if you just wanna use your imagination tell me so I know!

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