Ouran Love Chapter seven (Mitsukuni!)

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         "Hime!" Hoshiko yelled. "Hime-chan!" She tried again. "Hime, Hime, Hime, Hime, Hime, Hime, Hime, Hime, Hime, Hime!" Hoshiko yelled shaking her roughly. Hime had been standing frozen in the same spot for half an hour and now Hoshiko was starting to get annoyed. "You! You did this! Fix him now!" Hoshiko yelled pointing at Tamaki. Hoshiko knew from what Aiko and Aito had told her not to refer to Hime as a girl. "Now fix him!" She yelled at Tamaki. He flinched and cried.

              "I didn't break him! The twins did!" Then ran to his corner to sulk.

         "Over-dramatic much." Hoshiko muttered rolling her eyes. "Okay Twins fix him!" Hoshiko said getting back to business.

             "We didn't break him, his brothers did!" The Twins yelled defensively.

        "We didn't-" Hoshiko held up a hand.

           "I don't care who broke him I just want him fixed by the time I get back. Now can someone kindly show me to the restroom." She said politely.

            "I will!" Tamaki yelled jumping up and rushing to the door.

           "You bounce back quickly don't you?" She said raising an eyebrow. Hoshiko opened the door and just before shutting it yelled, "You all better fix him!" Then she slammed the door shut Tamaki rushing after her. Everyone was quiet until Aiko announced.

              "I think the Twins should fix him since the bet was their idea." He said with a satisfied smile.

          "No way!" Hikaru yelled.

        "We may have come up with the bet but you agreed!" Kaoru agreed.

            "Plus we think Kyoya should do it because Yami is a lot less likely to hit him." Everyone turned to Kyoya and he sighed and pushed his glasses up his nose.

              "There's no merit in me doing so, so please leave me out of it." He said a bored look on his face. Everyone looked at each other before Hunny yelled.

                "Me and Takashi will do it! Right Takashi?" The blond asked staring at him. Takashi nodded and went over to Hime throwing her over his shoulder and walking towards the dressing room. Hunny followed him when Hikaru yelled.

            "Wait what are you gonna do?" Hunny turned around with a big grin on his face and said.

            "I'll tell you if it works." Then turning he ran after Takashi disappearing into to the dressing room. The rest of the members stood silently waiting for something to happen when suddenly there was a high- pitched scream and they heard Hime's voice yelling.

            "Mitsukuni! How dare you?! If it was anyone else I'd have them neutered for that! And Takashi how could you let him do that!" Then it got silent and Hime came storming out blushing slightly with her arms crossed across her chest and said in a dark voice, "I ought to have you all neutered for what he just did." Hunny came walking out shortly after wincing and holding his head Mori close behind. Hime marched over to her brothers and grabbed them both by the ears pulling them down to her height, "If you ever let him go into a room alone with me again I will feed you to the cats and get a dog to chew on your bones." she whispered menacingly. Aiko and Aito grew pale and she let them go satisfied. She turned her glare on Kyoya asking, "Yo! Kyoya! Where the hell is Hoshiko? I think it's about time we leave." Kyoya flinched unnoticeably at her use of his full name and cleared his throat.

           "Ms. Natsumi went to the bathroom." He answered hiding his unease.

         "Well then that's just perfect isn't it?" She said sarcastically. She moved her gaze to Hunny. "Now Mitsukuni would you like to explain why you did that?" She asked menace hidden in her voice.

          "W-well You weren't moving." Hunny said tears filling his eyes. Hime looked at Mori.

           "And Takashi, why on earth would you let him do that?" She asked him. Mori stared back with a blank look and said in the low rumble of his.

             "Hoshiko wanted you to move." Like it was the most obvious answer. Hime's face softened and she walked toward Hunny. Hunny tensed ready to dodge if he needed too. This girl had caught him off guard too many times and it made him nervous. She got on her knees in front of him and kissed the top of his head with a small smile.

           "I'm really sorry about hitting you. it must have hurt quite a bit." Hunny stared up at her surprised once again and hugged her quickly smiling happily. Hime leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Don't speak a word of what you did in there and stop enjoying this hug so much you adorable little perv." Hime said smirking.

        "So your kissing boys now Yami-Kun?" Hikaru said coming up behind her.

        "Yeah does this mean you finally admit your a girl?" Kaoru asked walking next to his brother.

           "No, I'm a boy." Hime said thinking fast. 'This is seriously gonna haunt me when I'm older.' She thought to herself before saying out loud, "I'm bisexual." Everyone's eyes went wide.

           "Really?!" The Twins yelled.

          "Yep. I'm obviously a boy, right Mitsukuni?" Hime said sitting down and winking at him.

          "Yeah definitely." He replied blushing deeply. The Twins looked at each other and surrounded him.

         "So what did you do?" Hikaru asked. Before Hunny could answer the door opened and Hoshiko and Tamaki walked in laughing.

           "See Tamaki? I told you, you're quite charming when your not trying so hard."Hoshiko was saying.

          "Well thank you Ms. Natsumi." Tamaki said with a chuckle.

          "I told you to call me Hoshiko." She whined slightly.

             "I'm guessing the bathroom adventure went well." Hime said with a small smile.

            "Well, I guess- wait! Your talking!" Hoshiko yelled running to her. "Your smiling!" She added. "Who fixed you?!" She asked.

              "Well Mitsukuni 'fixed me' as you say." Hime told her.

          Hoshiko turned around and yelled across the room, "Thank You Mitsukuni!!" Then turning to Hime she said, "It's time for us to leave." and grabbed her hand. Just before getting out the door they turned smiling. "Well this stay has been grand," Hoshiko started in a exaggerated french accent.

         "Yes just marvelous," Hime agreed in an exaggerated english accent looking at Hunny and glaring playfully.

         "But now we must bid you adieu." They said together Hime bowing and Hoshiko curstying. With that they ran out of the room leaving everyone confused. It was the twins who got over the shock first and said still a little surprised.

             "So your brothers Bi?" Looking at the brothers disbelief written clear across their face. The Brothers looked at each other and shrugged.

          "I guess so." They said a moment later going to pick up the bags Hime and Hoshiko had left behind. As they were picking up Hoshiko's bag a small paper bag fell out marked 'cat food' They stared awhile then swiped it up and ran after their sister laughing,"They haven't changed one bit have they?" Aiko said chuckling.

           "No I guess not." Aito agreed chuckling also. Then they sped up not wanting to be left behind. Back in the host club everyone was completely confused. The Twins turned to Hunny and Hikaru asked, "What did you do," and Kaoru finished, "To make him scream like a girl?" Hunny blushed deeply and looked at Mori.


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