Ouran Love Chapter 17 (No nap is worth this)

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"Hime!" Her brothers shouted hugging her tightly. "Aiko! Aito!" She said stunned. "I thought mother took you! I thought I would never see you again!" She shouted and threw her arms around them tears springing to her eyes.

                "What are you talking about?" Aiko asked looking down at her. "We never went anywhere." Aito said looking very confuse. "But... I-I saw them take you! I remember the drugged water, and the guards, and the screaming and... and..." Hime let the sentence drift. Now that she thought about it she couldn't really remember much. "It was probably just a bad dream silly girl." Aiko said smiling. "Yeah we're not going anywhere you know that." Aito patted her head neither of them letting her go. Hime finally looked around and realized they were in her room.

                           "Yeah... that's probably what is was. God that was the scariest dream I've ever-" She suddenly stopped and looked at Aiko abruptly. "Wait what did you just call me?" She asked him. "When Hime?" He looked as confused as she felt. Something felt incredibly wrong. Hime could feel it. "Just- just a second ago." She said untangling herself from their arms.

                     They looked at each other before looking back at her. "We don't know what your talking about." They said together and the way  their voices meshed sent a shiver down her spine. "Just now!" She yelled, scared by how uncomfortable her brothers made her. She didn't understand why she felt that way she just did. 

                        "You called me a silly girl Aiko! You would never call me that! Mother calls me that and you know how I hate it! So why would you call me that why?" She felt like she didn't understand anything anymore. She had a vague sensation that something was incredibly wrong but it wouldn't come to light. She couldn't put her finger on it she just knew. "Hime calm down." Aito said softly reaching for her but she flinched and he pulled back. "Your not my brothers." She whispered. "What are you talking about? Of course we are." Aiko had a tight smile on his face that looked completely out of place. Now Hime was getting weird images of Aito being pulled away and she could hear his screams. They were so loud she had to cover her ears but that only made them louder.

                 "Hime! Hime! Help!" Aito suddenly shouted tears in his eyes and he reached for her. "Aito!" She yelled trying to grab him but he seemed miles away and as hard as she tried she couldn't get to him. She couldn't even move from her spot on the bed. "Hime!" Aiko shouted and she turned to him seeing his body being dragged into shadows. "Aiko! No!" She lunged for him but was restrained. She looked down and found herself chained to a chair.

                                                 She looked back at Aiko but he was gone and she was in a dark room. "Aiko! Aito!" She yelled tears streaming down her face. "Don't let them take me!" She heard Aito yell but couldn't see anything no matter where she looked. "Hime! Help! Please!" Aiko screamed in the shadows and Hime couldn't even cover her ears anymore to silence the sound. "I thought you loved us!" Aito shouted.

        "Why are you letting her do this?!" Aiko shouted, and both voices sounded like they were right by her.

                      "Why won't you save us?!" Both voices yelled and Hime started to sob. "I'm trying! I'm trying!" She kept trying to yell but no noise would come out. "Hime!" Aito's voice cried out and he sounded like he was crying.

               "Hime!" Aiko yelled sounding as if he was in pain. "Hime!" They yelled together and suddenly the voices sounded different. The dark started to dissolve and Hime's eyes popped open to find the face of Hikaru and Kaoru very close to her face. "Holy shi-!" She started to yell before catching herself and instead glaring at them and pushing them away. "What the hell are you doing?!" She shouted standing up and immediately sitting back down to fight the wave of nausea as her eyesight darkened. When her sight came back she saw the hosts and Toby standing in her living room looking at her cautiously. "What?!" She yelled causing them to flinch.

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