Ouran Love Chapter 21 (Betrayal's kind of a harsh word)

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             The ding of an elevator had never sounded so ominous.  Hime paused for longer than she would've liked. She couldn't get her feet to move. 

                      "Hey! You're not supposed to be up here!" A security guard yelled standing in front of the door. Hime looked at him a little surpirsed. She didn't even notice him. She turned back to the door. 

          "Hey! Are you listening to me!" He stood up from the chair and Hime just reacted. Running forward before she even knew her feet were moving she grabbed him by the throat, pushing his back against the wall. 

              "Don't you dare tell me what I'm not supposed to be doing." Her voice was surprisingly dark. It scared her a little. Her hand twitched and she realized he was struggling. His face was turning purple and his eyes were closing slowly. He was blacking out. She realized this and let go with a gasp let go with a gasp. "I'm- I'm so sorry. Please just... you'll be okay right?" She pleaded backing toward the door to her parents room all the while watching the man cough, his eyes fully closed now.

          "You know your stench can be smelled from miles away. I hope you weren't trying to sneak up on us." Hime froze at the sound of her voice. 

            "No mother I wasn't." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 

            "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Her mother yelled, and Hime spun around.

         "Don't you dare give orders to me." She hissed stalking towards her mother. "I have put up with everything you've thrown at me. I have done everything you've ever asked of me. And you've never shown an ounce of appreciation! I can deal with you not loving me, but taking the only people I loved that was going to far mother." At this point she was nose to nose with her mother. "If I can even call you mother anymore Kamiko." She spit out her mother's name like poison and felt her claws growing.

           "You insulent child!" Kamiko yelled, swiping at Hime with her own claws. Hime ducked and swiped at Kamiko's leg and only succeeding in tearing a piece of her pants away. 

         "Insulent?!" She yelled taking a step back to put distance between them. "How am I insulent?!" Kamiko just stared at her the smirked straightening herself. She smoothed down her hair and turned away. 

        "I guess it's not entirely your fault. You did grow up around men. I blame your father. After I'm done with you I shall have to speak to him about some previous nuisances." She walked to a desk and picked up a phone and Hime made a move to stop her, "Oh sit you stupid child, I'm calling your brothers up here. That is why you came here correct?" She looked at her with a slightly inquisitive look. As if for once she didn't know Hime's thoughts completely. Hime smiled and walked over to a chair. 

          "No Kamiko that's not why I'm here." Her mother looked at her incredulously. There's was a moment of silence and then Kamiko broke it.

            "What do you want then?" Putting down the phone she moved to a chair across from Hime and steepled her fingers.

           "You proposed something at the house, remember? Everything I could ever want? The world at my finger tips? etc. etc."

               "Yes I remember this. I also remember your clear refusal. I don't make the same offers twice sweetheart. Especially not after being insulted and attacked."

            "Then how about I revise it a little. All I want is three very simple things and then you can use me and my power as you please." Hime leaned into the chair and watched her mother's own expressionless face sure that hers was the same.

            "What are these three things?" Kamiko asked after a stretch of silence and Hime smiled knowing she had won.

          She took a deep breath and her heart clenched, "First, I want you to let my brothers go." She started.

           "Easy enough." 

          "Then I want you to leave them alone. No contact. Nothing. They are free to live their own lives. They may be your children but you will have nothing to do with them. They stay in that house and you find another. You will be how you were for the last three years. A ghost. Do you understand?" Hime wanted to make sure this was clear. Very clear. If she left her brothers alone the host club would be fine too.

         "Easier said than done dear. They are my babies. You can't just seperate a mother from her children." From the way she said it you could easily seperate this mother from her children.

          "Do you understand?" Hime repeated refusing to let Kamiko push her buttons. Not this time.

            "Yes I understand. Now what is the final thing? And you better make this request worth it, because you will not be allowed to go back on it."

          Hime's shoulders slumped and she leaned forward, looking straight into her mothers eyes. "I want two months every year to be free. No tracking me. No watching me. And I don't have to tell you anything I did. Do you except these terms?" Her mother stared at her stone faced, then she smiled. 

       "It looks like you do have some sense child. Fine. Now go get your friends and your brothers out of that room." Hime blinked and her mother laughed. "You didn't think they would get through here undetected. Modeling? Really? Is that the best you could come up with?"

      Hime stood without answering and walked towards the door. "No mother," She said back still turned to her. "But it's all I could do to save them."

                "By betraying all of them?" Her mother called after her as she walked out of the room.

           Hime took the stairs faster than any human could have. She raced to the twenty third floor. She hit the door leading out of the staircase and kept running until she reached the end of the hall. Breathing rapidly she steeled herself and knocked on the door.



Ouran LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora