Thank You & Goodnight

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I finished packing my bags and stood up, stretching out my back. It had been a long day, and soon I'd be sitting on a plane for a good 12 hours.

"Jenna, are you almost ready?" Whakaio asked, stepping into my room.

"Erhm, I just have to brush my teeth. I'll be down in about 5 minutes." I said, shuffling around my room trying to find my hair brush.

"Sounds good. You want me to take that down?" Whak asked, pointing at my suitcase.

"Yes please!" I said running to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then walked downstairs. I grabbed a few snacks that I could take in the plane. As I rounded the corner I almost ran into our guitarist Jake.

"Easy does it Jenna. A little excited for our first Warped Tour?" Jake said.

"Maybe a little more then I should be." I said laughing. We'd never performed at Warped Tour before, so this was going to be a whole new experience for us. Our American fan base was growing rapidly since we've released our 3rd album, The Other Side.

We knew a couple other bands performing this year, out of the 50+ odd bands that performed, All Time Low, Pierce The Veil, Bring Me The Horizon, We Are The In Crowd, You Me At Six and Sleeping With Sirens.

I was going to miss our Australian winter, but it would be fun to see how hot some spots of America got. Nothing would be as bad as our summers here.


I quick came back to reality and realized I was standing in the middle of the doorway. Whak was behind me, carrying his guitar and amp.

"Oh, sorry," I said grabbing phone off the table by the door, and my keys.

I started to the van, stacked high with band supplies and instruments. I squeezed myself into the backseat, beside Cam and Matt. Jake and Whakaio won the straw draw.

I buckled myself in and made myself as small as possible, giving the guys enough elbow room. This was going to be a long 45 minutes.

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