Say Please

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I sat out on the curb outside. Humming along to a couple of tunes. I thought I was alone, until I heard someone clear their voice behind me. It was Alex.

"Oh hi." I said, my face turning red.

"Sorry if I scared you." Alex said, coming to sit down beside me.

"No it's okay. What's up?" I asked, adjusting my position.

"Couldn't sleep. I got bored so I came down here. Jack went out to a bar with a couple of friends." Knowing Jack that meant he would be back till when bus call usually is, which is about 3am.

"Same. Tay had already gone to bed so I came down here. Might as well start warming up my vocals." I said smiling.

A long silence stretched out before us. I was the first one to break it.

"Look Alex, about a last year-" I started saying but I couldn't finish because the next thing I knew Alec was kissing me.

I didn't know how I felt about this. I mean, I liked Alex and all but I really didn't want a relationship this tour. Yet as Alex kissed me I couldn't stop. His lips were soft and his hand was behind my neck, massaging the small of my neck. When we finally broke for a breath he rested his head against mine.

"I'm sorry I-" Alex said starting to pull away.

"No, it's okay." I said pulling Alex back into a kiss. My hands got tangled in his hair and he had his hand in the small of my back, pulling me closer so I was pressed against him.

I started shivering. It got cold at night in Seattle.

"Are you cold?" Alex asked, a look of concern crossing his face.

I nodded. He got up and we walked into the hotel.

"Jack won't be home for another 3 hours, do you want to go to my room and watch a movie?" Alex asked.

"Sure." I said smiling.

We took the elevator up to the fifth floor, where Alex's room was. We walked in and he told me to get comfy, as he was going to put on some sweats first.

I went and sat down on the bed that I was guessing was Alex's by the notebook of song lyrics. I sat on the bed turning on the TV to some weird channel, full of movies old movies.

I finally found a good channel, playing Beavis and Butthead episodes.

"Hey." Alex said coming over and jumping on the bed, landing beside me. He pulled me into a warm hug, having my head rest on his chest.

We cuddled and just talked about the tour and what songs we were most excited to play. It started getting really late, and I could feel myself drifting off to sleep, and the next thing I knew I was fast asleep in Alex's arms.

When I woke up it was still dark. Alex was lying on his stomach and I could see Jack in the bed beside us lying on his side. I decided it would be better if when Tay woke up, I was there. I checked the clock, 7 pm. Tay wouldn't be up till 9. I slunk out of bed, trying not to wake up Alex. I kissed him on the cheak, and headed back to my room.

I got to my room, and quietly closed the door. Tay was still sound asleep. I slipped into bed and fell asleep for another hour.

"Jenna, Jenna. Wake up. We're going for breakfast in 30 minutes." It was Tay. She was leaning over my bed, shaking my arm.

"What?" I mumbled. I rubbed my eyes and reached over, grabbing my phone from the night stand.

*2 new message* both were from Alex.

'Hey, where'd you go. Miss you already'

'Wake up already, lazy head. We're going to a pancake house for breakfast. Text me when you wake up.'

I quickly texted him back, saying that I'd see him in 10.

I got dressed into my black skinnies, my vans, and a drop dead T-shirt. I washed my face and put my hair down and ran my straightener through it. I was just getting out if the bathroom when Tay was coming up to knock.

"C'mon, the guys are here. Lets go!" She said smiling and pulling me out of our room and down the hall to the elevator where all the guys were waiting. When I saw Alex my heart speed up a bit. It didn't help that once he saw me, he did his little half grin which made me feel faint. I put my finger to my lips, telling him to keep it our little secret for awhile.

"Hey! There you guys are." Whakaio said raising his arms above his head. "We're starving. Lets go!"

We got into the elevator and walked down through the lobby. We all got seated in our 16 seated bus, and drove down the highway until we found the restaurant. It was a cute little looking restaurant. With a syrup bottle as a mascot outside the front doors. When you walked in, it was warm and inviting.

A waitress seated us and Alex sat beside me as usual. Tay sat down beside me and Whak, Matt and Cam sat across from us. They're wasn't enough room for all of us, so we were all spread out at different tables.

"I think I'm going to have the house special." Tay said, her mouth drooling at the thought.

I scanned over my menu, finally deciding on some waffles with a fruit bowl.

We ordered our food and we started talking about how tomorrow was game day. We had to get to the venue bright and early so we could help with the set up. Since this was our first year on Warped Tour we got to play on the smallest stage, but it was going to be fun no matter what.

We finished our food and paid. Everyone headed back to the hotel, but Tay and I wanted to walk for a bit.

"So where'd you go last night? I woke up around 3 and you weren't there." Tay asked looking at me.

"I was outside. Getting some fresh air." I hated lying to Tay, I could feel her studying me, trying to find the lie.

"Sure. No but Jenna, seriously where were you."

"Okay." I took in a breath. "I was with Alex."

Tay's eyes went huge. "What were you guys doing?"

"I think we're back together again." I said turning towards Tay. We stopped on a corner street. I could hear the cars go zooming by.

"Are you insane!" Tay shrieked.

"What? What did I do?" I said putting up my hands in defense.

"Alex isn't single. He's still technically with Lisa." Tay said quietly.

"What!" Now it was my turn to scream. "Is he insane? I don't want to be one of those girls. Oh my god. If Lisa ever found out about this she would skin me alive." I said. I couldn't believe Alex cheated on Lisa, with me.

"She already does want to skin you alive! Ever since that year they were broken up and Alex dated you on tour she's hated you. Alex hasn't been the same to her since then. He still has feelings for you Jenna."

"I-I can't believe. I never wanted to get between Lisa and Alex. I love Alex, but he's dating Lisa. What should I do Tay?" Sometimes I was so glad to have Tay. She was always there for me, and she always had the best advice.

"Talk to Alex. Tell him. Just remember Jenna, I always have your back, but don't expect me to talk to Lisa for you." Tay said laughing. "She even scares me."

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