Darling You'll Be Okay

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I looked around, trying to find Jenna in the crowd. I was at our first night BBQ. Half of the bands were here, well others had either packed up and left early, or they went out to a local bar. It was about 8:30 at night, bus call was at 2:30am so we all had plenty of time to mess up our sleeping schedules and in joy the night.

I had spent most of the barbeque so far talking with Jaime about new songs, and guitar riffs. Mike was off flirting with a new unsuspecting girl, and Tony was probably joking around with one of the guys from A Day To Remember.

"Hey Vic, you seem lonely." It was Tay. I was good friends with Tay, knowing her for about as long as I've known Jenna.

"Hey Tay, I am. I've been trying to find Jenna all night." When I mention Jenna's name, Tay's face scrunches up.

She adjusts her nose ring, sighing. "The last time I saw her, she was with Alex and they were going into All Time Low's tour bus."

It's now my turn to scrunch up my face. What was Jenna doing with Alex for so long. Maybe vocals? "Thanks, I'll find you later." I say, smiling at her. She looks hurt, but then hides it quickly, waving me bye and smiling.

I walk out of the crowd, picking up a new beer while I do. Alcohol is a no-no for your throat, especially for a singer, but everyone seemed to do it anyways. I made my way to All Time Low's tour bus, creating distance from me and the crowd. I could hear the screaming, talking and laughter coming from behind me. I sighed, I never really like partying, unlike Mike who could go all night. I usually took advantage of these nights, locking myself in the bus writing down new lyrics and playing old songs on my beat up Taylor guitar.

I finally made it too ATL's tour bus, knocking a couple times and realizing that no one could hear me. I could hear faint music playing in the background. I went to open up the door, just to find it locked.

Odd. I thought, considering Jack always forgot his key or lost it somewhere.

I decided to just text Jenna later, and go back to the party with Tay, when I heard crying coming from a few buses down.

I put down my beer and my way over to the noise. I rounded a corner and realized I was all the way at the end of the parking lot, where the fence was. On the other side of the fence was a young girl, 15 at the most, sitting there crying, holding her face in her hands. She was wearing Jeans and a sweater, with the sleeves rolled up. I looked closer and saw her holding a shiny object in one hand, and something running down her arms slowly. Blood.

I walked up to the girl, taking in her bright red hair, pulled back into a pony tail, with fluffy bangs falling into her eyes. Her makeup was smudged and running down her face, being carried away by tears.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. She turned around, startled by my quiet presence. She studied me for a couple seconds, then started crying harder as she realized who I was.

"I-I, I'm sorry V-Vic." Since she knew my name I automatically thought she was a fan. I felt my heart break at the sight of her. I grabbed the fence, hopping it in one fluid motion. I landed beside her, slinking down into a crouching position.

I put my arm around her, pulling her into my chest. "Shh, it's going to be okay."

"No it's n-not." She said stuttering, tears running down her face harder now. "I broke my promise to you." Once she said this, I looked at her, actually seeing her face this time. I remembered her from last Warped Tour, only that her hair was a different color.

"No, you didn't. Sometimes we can't be strong all the time. Sometimes we have to give into our dark thoughts."

Her breathing slowly made it's way back to normal as I sat there holding her. "I just, I didn't get to see you guys play today, and some guy pushed me over, calling me a whore, and these girls- I just hate myself. I'm ugly and useless."

"I think your beautiful okay. I love you, just because those kids don't doesn't mean I don't. Who do you care more about what they say to you. Me, or those bitches?"

"Y-you." She sighs, looking up at me. "Vic, can you help me." I can see her search for words. Still shocked that I'm holding her.

"Yes. C'mon darling, let's go get you cleaned up. Can you climb the fence?" I ask, worried that she might be too weak. She nods. I hop the fence first, so she doesn't fall on her way over. She creeps over the fence, half falling off the other side. I catch her so she doesn't hit the pavement. I half carry her, to my bus. I can feel her go limp in my arms, and her face goes pale. She's lost a lot of blood. By the time we make it to the bus, I'm carrying her. I send Jaime a quick text, asking the guys to come to the bus.

"We're going to clean you up." I say into her ear. She nods and I carry her to the bathroom. Closing the door and sitting her on the toilet. I turn on the tap and grab a towel, running it under the luke-warm water. I place the towel around her wrist, letting it soak up the blood. I can see her eyes fluttering shut. "Stay with me Darling." I whisper, going back to the tap, doing the same.

"Vic?" I can hear the panic in Jaime's voice.

"I'm in here." I shout, turning off the tap.

"What happened?-" Jaime asks, but once he see's the fan he stops. "Oh my God, what happened to her?" Jaime asks. He rushes over to her, looking at the blood soaked towels. "Vic we should call an ambulance."

"I, I hurt." The girl says, tears streaming down her face. I wipe them away.

"Jaime, call 911." I ask panic rising in my voice as the girl goes limp. I never even got her name. I apply pressure to the girls arms as I hear Jaime almost screaming into his phone. He gives our address and hangs up.

"They're going to be here soon. Sweetie, stay strong." Jaime whispers into the bathroom. His eyes are filled with hurt as he looks at the beautiful fan in my arms. I can feel his pain. I hate seeing fans hurt themselves. It make me feel like I haven't done enough to help them.

In the distance I can hear sirens. Jaime goes outside to lead them to our bus. I can hear voices getting louder and someone pushes open the door. It's a paramedic. He motions me back and I get up, leaning against the counter. He checks her pulse and breathing, picking her up and carrying her out of the bus. They put her on a gurney, and I run out, holding her hand and saying everything will be alright. Before they put her into the ambulance, I write down my phone number, handing it to one of the paramedics.

"When she wakes up, give this to her and tell her to call the number, no matter what time it is." He nods and I go back over to my bus and sit down.

The ambulance pulls out of the parking lot and I watch the lights fade until I can't see the ambulance, or hear it anymore.

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