Manage Me I'm A Mess

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We made it to the airport, cramped but alive. We lugged our equipment into the airport, having the check in flight attendants give us dirty looks. We made it with 5 minutes to spare before our flight started boarding. I went to the snack bar and grabbed a couple snacks and bottles of water.

I walked over to where Whak was sitting and sat down. "Going to be a fun 20 hours on a plane, hey?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Most fun we'll have this whole trip." Whak said with just a hint of sarcasm. "Remember to get in as much sleep as possible."

I couldn't even think about sleeping. I was too excited, but I knew I had to sleep or then this tour would start horribly. We had two days at our starting point, waiting for other bands to join, and waiting for everyone to get their bus and trailers. I knew for a fact that that was going to be when I was going to get all my sleep. 20 hours on a plane and stuck in airports. I could feel myself getting claustrophobic already.

"Flight boarding 2k12 to Seattle, now boarding." That was our flight. I got up and started stretching. We were always the last ones to board, so I knew I had about 10 minutes to stretch.

After about 7 minutes Jake came up to me and told me it was time to go.

"You ready for Warped Tour?" Jake asked, helping me off the ground.

"Definitely," I said.

We finally made it in Seattle after a long 24 hours. I slept a good 10 hours between and during flights. I felt so jet lagged, yet I didn't want to sleep. Jake was forcing everyone to stay awake until it was 10:00pm, so that we would get used to American time zones easier.

We drove to our hotel, I was sharing a room with the lead singer from We Are The In Crowd, Tay Jardine.

I'd known Tay for about 3 years now. One if our first tours was with her band. We always joked around at night, seeing who could reach higher notes, and her braiding my naturally straight hair, trying to keep it curly.

The guys had a joined room across the hall. 4 beds, and one pull out couch meaning one lucky guy got a lumpy couch to himself. Whakaio won the couch because he had done the most heavy lifting today, meaning he got to stretch out.

"Hey roomy," Tay said coming up behind me and pulling down my shoulders.

"Hey roomy. Do you know where we're going for supper tonight?" I asked Tay. I was craving something salty. Maybe even more fish like. Like clam chowder. I always had weird cravings after I'd been in a plane too long. I already missed my big lug of a dog back home.

"Probably just an Apple B's or something," she said, scrunching up her face in disgust.

"Oh no. That's what you want after a day of traveling." I rolled my eyes and walked into our hotel room. It was your basic room. 2 beds, a couch, a table and chairs, and an old box TV. I claimed the bed closest to the bathroom as always.

I didn't bother unpacking things, knowing we'd only be in our rooms for sleeping, but I grabbed my cosmetic bag anyways to go put on some mascara. I didn't really bother for makeup somedays, but today I needed some. I had bags under my eyes and my eyes were all red from my rubbing at them. I had black spots on my nose and a pimple on my forehead.

I washed my face and did my makeup, and by then the guys were ready to eat.

We walked downstairs, meeting up with WATIC, and the guys from All Time Low. I hadn't seen Alex in forever. I occasionally had little twitter conversations with Jack, but other then that I hadn't seen them in a year.

"Jenna!" Jack screamed, running towards me and pulling me into a big bear hug.

I couldn't breathe and barely got out a whisper, telling Jack to lighten up his grip. Once he did Alex came over and gave me a hug. I missed Alex. He was always such an upbeat guy, and we always got along. The last time on tour Alex was broken up, and we might have had a fling, but I was hoping all our feelings were behind us and we could be friends and act normal.

We finally decided on Olive Garden for dinner. Italian, yum.

As we walked down the street to where it was, I noticed Alex kept his distance from me. I was really hoping it wouldn't be like this for the whole tour, but once we got to the restaurant and seated, he sat beside me.

"Can I get you all some salad and breadsticks to start off with?" The waitress asked us, Kathy. She had hair done up in a messy bun, and I noticed on her wrists she has a bunch of band bracelets. I could just make out the words All Time Low on one of them. She must have been so nervous, yet she wasn't showing it. I think I would be shaking if I was the waitress of my favourite band.

I looked over at Alex and pointed to her wrists. He leaned over me and saw the All Time Low one.

Before she walked away, Alex called her. "Kathy is it?" He asked as she slowly nodded. "Are you going to Warped Tour in 2 days?"

"N-no sir." She stuttered. Now you could tell she was getting nervous.

"You know who I am, you can call me Alex." He said with his award winning smile. "Here," Alex said reaching into his back pocket and pulling out his backstage pass. "I can always get a new one, but take this, and I'll write our bus number on the back, so when you get to the gates and if they won't let you in, tell them to call the bus number and I'll come over." He pulled out a pen from my bag and wrote down their bus number. I couldn't believe Alex. He had to be the most fan loving guy ever, and the most insane guy ever.

"Thank you so much sir- I mean Alex." Her smile was huge. "I'll go get your orders in right away." She said smiling.

Once she walked away everyone looked at Alex.

Rian was the first to talk, "man dude. Your going to get in shit for losing you pass." He said as everyone burst out laughing.

The rest of the evening went smooth. We chatted, shared food, and didn't stop eating till we almost puked. Kathy's boss let her have a five minute break, which we spent taking her outside the restaurant and getting her picture taken with everyone. Apparently she was a huge Tonight Alive fan and she couldn't stop talking to me and Alex. She said she was hyped for our shows and she couldn't wait to see Of Mice & Men. After a lot longer then five minutes her boss came out and told her to come back to work. We all apologized for keeping her so long, but the boss said that Kathy needed this. She'd been down for a couple weeks after finding out she couldn't go to Warped Tour.

We got back to our hotel and everyone split up and went into their hotel rooms. All Time Low's rooms were on the floor below us.

I went into my room, grabbing some sweat pants and a tank top. I changed my clothes and put my hair up into a messy bun. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I decided to go outside to get some fresh air. I put on my blue vans and grabbed a key. Tay was already asleep so I tried to be as quiet as possible.

I walked down the hall to the elevator and pushed 'lobby'. The hotel was silent. It was about 11, I wasn't expecting anyone to be awake, but I guessed wrong.

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