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"Good night Seattle. Thank you for making our first night a night to remember!" I yelled into the crowd as we started up our last song of the night, a new on it was called The Ocean. "I feel heavy, I feel waited, and I feel hungry, I feel wasted, OH!" I said, pulling up my knee into on of my 'famous' knee kicks. I flew backwards off one of the steps on stage and spun around, avoiding Whak as he ran over to the other side of the stage to play with Cam.

I sing the next few lines and before the chorus comes in I jump off stage and climb the barricade. Fans scream and surge forward, grabbing at me. To steady myself I grab a fans hand and she screams.

"Some days it feels like the ocean lies inside of me, lies inside of me..."

I finished the song and everyone's hot and sweaty, breathing hard. I let go of the fans hand and climbs back on stage.

"Thank you for a great show Seattle!" I yell and pick up my stuff off the stage. I look back out into the crowd one last time, smiling and waving, then walk off stage. Once off stage someone hands me another water and I finish it in about 5 seconds. I fumble around in my bag that I keep off stage, looking for my sunscreen. I did not need a sunburn after the first show.

I walk around for a bit, splashing water on my neck. Two fans run up to me, begging for an autograph. I agree, scrawling my signature into a piece of paper, take a couple photos, and keep walking. We had already had our meet and great for the day, so I walked around, just talking with fans.

I looked at my phone and realized I had 20 minutes before Pierce The Veils show.

I walk over to where the buses are, opening up our buses door. No one else is there, so I grab some more clean clothes, throwing my dirty ones into my laundry bag. Every 3 days we stop at a laundry mat so it gives us a chance to have clean clothes.

I hope into the shower, the cold water soothing my hot skin. I wash my hair and then give my body a rough scrub. I step out, wrapping a towel around my body. I put my hair into braids and put in a Green Day cut off shirt, and black skinny jeans.

My blonde hair looking dull from all the sun it got today. I wash my face and put more sunscreen on. As I walk off the bus I run into Alex.

"Hey." I greet him smiling.

"Jenna hey, I was just about to come see if you were coming to Pierce the Veils show." He asks, we start walking and he puts his arm around me.

"Yup. I just needed to freshen up." I tell him laughing.

"Jaime says we can watch from behind Mike. Best seat in the house." He says smiling. I glance up at Alex, seeing his big brown eyes sparkle in the setting sun. I lean up and kiss him on the cheek. "What was that for?" He asks.

"It's for me missing your set." I say.

We walk in silence for a little while. Before we reach where the fans can see us, Alex takes his arm off my shoulders.

"Maybe we should keep this a secret from fans for a little while." He says. I nod in agreement.

We keep walking and are soon mobbed by fans asking for autographs. We take a couple pictures then say we have to keep going. I hate ignoring fans, but I really wanted to be their for Vic. He was one of my best friends, I know he'd be disappointed if I didn't show up.

We finally get there, sneaking our way so that we didn't disappoint anymore fans. We sneak up on stage, running behind PTV's set props. We find a spot behind Mike's drum set and watch the sun set, waiting for the music to start. We hear the beginning of May these noises startle you in your sleep tonight.

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