Right Behind You

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"Yum!" I said, eating a spoonful of chocolate chip ice-cream while watching Prom Night. I was alone since my parents had to take my sister Ellen to a dance show.

I was so tired after coming home from school that I decided to stay home and watch horror flicks.

It was almost midnight now and snow was falling outside.

I was feeling a bit uneasy that my parents weren't home yet, but I didn't want to call in case they thought I was scared or something. I pulled the blanket around me tightly.

The climax scene was on, the girl was running away from the man about to get her.


I dropped my spoon and bent to pick it up when I saw something move at the bay window, out of the corner of my eye.

The television was placed at the corner of my room, next to the big bay window.

Through the darkness and the snowflakes, I could make out a figure of a man coming closer and closer and when I saw his face I became paralyzed with fear.

The man's face was hideously scarred, his eyes were wild and crazy and he seemed to be grinning maliciously at me.

I pulled the blanket over my head and dared not move. Slowly, after a few minutes ticked by, I pulled the corner of the blanket away from my eyes and saw the man standing there, looking directly at me.

While looking at me, he reached into his coat and pulled out something. It was a long knife.

I pulled the blanket from my head and reached into my jeans pocket, taking out my cellphone.

I dialed 911 and held my breath, waiting for someone to answer.

When the operator asked, "What is your emergency?" I put the phone close to my face and whispered, "There's a man outside my window, he has a knife, please come quickly."

Then I hung up after the operator assured me that help was on the way.

I sat motionless until I heard sirens outside and police banging on my door.

I pulled off my blanket and rushed to the front door to let the two officers in.

They looked outside for the man but found no trace of anyone having been outside my window.

"But he was standing right there!" I protested.

"There're no footprints out there, snow would've made it easier to find footprints but there weren't any," the male officer said.

"But he was standing right there, staring straight at me, I saw him with my own two eyes!" I said.

"You know, your eyes can play tricks on you," said the male officer.

"Maybe you've been watching too many scary movies," the female officer suggested.

The officers turned to leave when all of a sudden, the female officer stopped dead in her tracks.

She pulled back the sofa that I had been sitting on. Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened in shock. The male officer and I gasped.

On the carpet, behind the sofa, there was a trail of wet footprints and a discarded knife.

"You weren't looking at the man outside the window," the female officer told me, "You were looking at his reflection. He was standing right behind you all along."


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