1: An October night in the rain

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~Chapter One~

I stare bored at the TV. There aren't any good programs, it feels like nowadays the programs just get worse and worse sometimes. Or maybe it is just me. I watch dad as he zaps through the programs and how he suddenly stops when he sees how they are sending a reportage about a dinosaur skeleton they've found. His gaze stares at the TV screen and his mouth is half open, oh no not again...

"Dad, c'mon can't we watch something more interesting than this?" I groan as I sink further down in the couch.

He continues to stare at the TV screen but blinks after a few seconds and turns his gaze towards me.

"What? I didn't hear what you said sweetheart."

"Maybe because you were too busy watching dead animals." I murmur low enough for him not to hear and then add:
"I said can't we watch something better than this? It's a documentary, can't you for once in a lifetime watch X-factor or something similar?" I give dad a pleading glance but his gaze is back on the screen, unreachable once again.

I let out a sight, this is hopeless. Dad is always like this when he watches documentaries. He shuts down everything around him and focuses only on the TV. He literally eats the facts out from the documentary. That's how obsessed he is. He can watch them over and over again. Actually, it seems like he think they become more interesting for every time he watches them.

It makes no sense to me at all. I shouldn't even mention how many times he had tried to explain something uninteresting he'd seen, last time it was about stones. Funny? No.

I roll my eyes and I smile at him, because he is still my dad no matter what happens, even if he has a crazy obsession in documentaries.

Are you surprised if I say he's a teacher as well? Not at all? I thought so.

Instead I grab the newspaper from the table and quickly check through the programs for the weekend. Like expected, there are no good films. Just old ones they've shown on TV way too much already. I sigh loudly and get an irritated glance from my dad to be quiet as I put back the newspaper on the table. Instead I glance at the tower of films next to the TV but I have seen all of them like a hundred times already before so I don't really feel like watching one of them for the hundred and first time. And yes, I'm obsessed in films if you haven't figured that out yet. We all have one obsession in life, don't we?

I turn my gaze away and look out through the window behind me. I listen to the sound of raindrops falling rhythmically on the window. Seems like it always rained in October, but it sounds so cozy so I don't really mind. I felt how my mind had become dizzy of all the TV watching since I got home from school, but that's what I end up doing if I have nothing special to do. Maybe I cab go for a short walk just to clear my mind and be able to sleep a bit better tonight. I lock up my phone and check the clock as I quickly scroll through my Instagram.

8:15 pm.

'It not too late, because it is Friday', I think as I put down my phone on the table again.

I stand up from the comfy couch and walk over to our hall to grab my jacket. I glance back at dad who hasn't even noticed that I left the room. I shake my head and smile, he and his documentaries... I grab my thick winter jacket and consider if I should choose gloves too. It is pretty cold outside and it rains, so why not. I quickly put them and check myself i the hall mirror. My brown hair swells around my head and my green eyes stare back at me in the mirror. I is quite pretty even if I don't think so.

I take a few steps inside and peek my head around the corner so I can see mum in the kitchen doing the dishes.

"Hey mum, I'll just go out for a short walk, I'll be back soon."

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