2: In the room

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~Chapter Two~


Am I in heaven?

I open my eyes but can't see anything but light, everything is all white. 'Is this how it is to be dead?' I close my eyes again and slowly open them. I feel dizzy as I begin to distinguish contours of a room and a blending light-bulb hanging above me. Then the killing headache hits me like a truck and my body aches on places I didn't even know you could experience pain.

'I guess I am alive then, but where am I?' I sigh deep but I totally regret it for the aching pain that comes afterwards.

I look around and conclude that I am in some kind of storage room, probably in a basement. It smells strange, like someone hasn't scanted the room for years. My mind is still dizzy of the liquid he forced me to breath in, wow it must've been a strong drug.

I tilt my head backwards and hit something hard. 'Ouch, thanks for more headache.' Then I realize I am sitting on a chair and have just hit the back of it. I try to move my hands but it's impossible, they're tied behind the back in the hair.

Panic starts to raise in my chest again. Why am I tied up, in a freaking basement? What have they done to me? I try to rub my hands against the chair, a small, useless effort trying to release the rope. But it only makes the rope more tight and I feel how the thick rope leaves marks on my wrists. I need a better idea. Someone has tied the rope really hard on purpose so I won't be able to escape. Who does such things, I am not a toy someone can play around with!

Then it hits me, I can stand up with the chair tied on my and try to rub the rope against some sharp object to take it away. But when I am about to move my feet it doesn't work. I look down and let out a quiet, frustrated noise when I see how they are tied against each leg of the chair. Not a big surprise actually, who would be that dumb to tie the hands and not the feet? Not this guy...

'How am I going to get out of this mess?' I think as I am running out of ideas.

Instead my thoughts wander off to my parents. I wonder what they are doing now, if they know anything or if someone is searching for me. An aching pain shoots through me as I think about how protective mum is towards me, and now I bet she feels ore than guilty for not stopping me for going out that night. But how would she know what was about to happen? My best friend Shana... I hope my parents have talked to her. Yeah, their first thought must've been that I went to her but they didn't find me there. Silent tears fall down on my cheeks. I need to get out from here and get home.

"Help! Someone help me!" I let out a hoarse scream, if someone could hear me. This place seems abandoned though, the possibility for someone to hear me seems as small as finding a needle in a haystack, which is clearly almost impossible.

A new idea hits me, I know it will hurt but I don't see any other option. So start to tilt the chair from the left to the right on and on to make noise. the louder, the better. I can't sit here. Suddenly I am on the edge of falling over.

'Oh no, that wasn't the point.' I let out a quiet, painful noise when my shoulder take the fall. I ignore the pain and open my eyes that I closed during the fall, when I see something is laying in front of me.

"Oh my god!" I scream.

A hand, a hand from a living bloody human being.

I scream loudly and try to move myself further away from it which just ends up with some helpless rubbing against the floor and more aching pain.

Where is the rest of the body?! How can someone be so evil and cruel that they tear of the body parts of a human? The horror films I once had enjoyed watching I suddenly got a new point of view of. I am experiencing this for real now.

I am in shock and my stomach crinches as I realize maybe that's what they're going to do with me. I turn my head away from the dead hand and almost vomit when the rotten smell hit my nose. I turn my gaze to another part of the room to focus on something else. But what I see just presses my last dinner higher up in my throat.

On an old shelf I see how parts of a human body are placed out on each step of the shelf, organized and in order of size. A head is placed on top of the shelf with messy, bloody hair hanging down. I cant tear my eyes away, they continue to wander of each part, a leg, an arm and at the end a stomach with guts and everything spilled out over the shelf.

I feel how my stomach makes a flip and how my poor dinner is being thrown up over the floor. Since I'm laying down it sticks to my hair and I almost throw up again. I tear my gaze away from my dinner on the floor and the shelf and look at the door.

"H-help me anyone, I don't wanna die" My voice breaks on the last word and I began to sob as tears rolled down my dirty cheeks. A tear sips into a scratch on my cheek and I wince and at the pain.

"Help!" I scream louder and cough as my tears roll down as a waterfall.

As a pray being answered I suddenly hear through my uncontrolled sobbing, silent footsteps echoing against the floor behind the thick iron door. 'Maybe I shouldn't have screamed? What if the kidnapper is coming to make my life end in the same way as this human on the shelf?' My stomach winces but I keep it inside. I helplessly try to move frther away from the door. I don't know what that would help for but it is at least an attempt to do something. It only results to a few centimeters further away from the vomit and more bruises on my body. Great Annie. I hold my breath as the steps come closer until they suddenly stop in front of my door. Even if this can be the end for me, I still hold on to the small hope that it's aomeone who will save me from this nightmare.

The door handle is being pressed down.

Is it my saviour or my killer coming?

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