4: Just tell me the truth!

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                  ~Chapter Four~

My mind is a mess. First he kidnaps and then drugs me. And now he has cut off the ropes around my wrists and ankles. 

That makes no sense. Or maybe it's just a part of his 'funny' game. 

When he has cut off the ropes, my arms fall like limbs down on the side but I quickly pull them up to look at my sore, red wrists. I try to stretch my legs but they ache. You know that feeling when you haven't changed position for a way too long time? Yeah that's how my body feels. But I don't have time to look more at my injures because he puts a scarf over my eyes. I feel how he ties it behind my head. 

"W-why are you putting a scarf over my eyes? Where are you taking me?!" I scream loudly, beating his arms. 

"Because it's necessary. No more questions. Just do as I say." he pauses and add "princess" with a smirk. He pulls my shoulders and shows me to stand up. He seems unaffected by my beating. 

"But this isn't fa-" He hushes me down and pushes me with more strength to stand up.

I take a deep shaky breath and try to but I can't. My legs are like spaghetti. But my kidnapper catches me when I fall and grab my arm with a hard grip, but he touches the area where my arm had hit the floor and I let out a gritted scream.

"Ouch, can you at least move your hand? My arm hurts because of your funny game" I say with some sarcasm.

" I need to hold you since you can't even walk, plus you're blindfolded. No more questions." He says but loosens the grip a bit to my relief.

He leads me out towards the door because I hear how he pushes it more open. I silently curse in my head at the pain in my arm and bite my lip to not scream. I hear how he slams the door with his foot, closing it. I guess we are in the long corridor now. It smells damp and like a basement. We slowly walk through the corridor and my legs hurt less and less for every step. After a while he pulls my shoulders to make me turn left. I have a bad feeling in my stomach.

"So here we are, and don't get scared. They aren't dangerous." He says and stops me.

'Don't get scared?! How many times hasn't he said so. I guess that's what kidnappers say before they kill their victim. But who are they?' My heart beats fast. I feel how he puts his hands on the scarf and ties it up and suddenly I can see again.

I blink and put a hand up to covermy eyes from the sharp light. In front of me is a huge rusty, iron door and a blending light bulb above it. I tear my gaze away from the door and meet the gaze of my kidnapper. He is stone faced.  I continue to look to the left and see the long corridor I imagined before. Similar doors with the same bright light bulbs are over each door. It looks like we are in some kind of abandoned factory. I get goosebumps of the creepy thought.

I look back at my kidnapper and he's still starong at my with his ice blue eyes. The bright light makes is skin white as snow and I distinguish how he has a small scar over his left eyebrow. I wonder how he got it? From another kidnapping?

A razzling sound interrupted my thoughts. To my left side I terrified see my nightmares coming towards me.

Rats. I hate rats.

I scream, a bunch of fat dirty rats are running in my direction. I look back at my kidnapper and he must see how disgusted and terrified I am so he opens the door.

"In here, princess." he whispers with a smirk and I see the amusement in his eyes but ignores it this time and I quickly get inside the door. Anything is better than rats. Even if I don't know what's in here. He follows me and shuts the ruaty door with a loud thud. After a few seconds I hear how they scratch the door and how they let out tiny screams before they continue down the long corridor. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

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