6: You better run, better run

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                  ~Chapter Six~

Never  that I am going to kill someone! Like seriously take someone's life! No, I am not going to be a murderer. These people are insane, they said it was a mission I had to fix but this was illegal. It was a crime! I am not going to do that, it must be something more simple to do. But what if I don't do this, am I not going to see my family? Will I be the one who gets killed like the human on the shelf..? 

No, I push the thought away. Why do I always imagine the worst. 'Because this is the worst that could happen' my brain tell myself. Ha, funny. But I couldn't kill someone, I need to do something.

Escape, I have to escape.

Yes. That is the only choice I have. Even though I am tired and hungry I need to get out from this ridiculous game. Because what can be worse than killing someone and knowing that you're the murder? Not a lot at least.

John's husky voice 'you have to kill someone' is echoing in my head over and over again. I try to ignore it, push it away into the darkness of thoughts. I press my fingers against my temples, this is too much. 

I look up from the table I've been staring at and following the cracks in it back and fourth the last minutes. James, Kyle and John are all looking questioning at me. Kyle's blue eyes continue to look at me when the rest break their gazes. He seems to know something and I watch, confused how he leans to his left and whispers something to John. Kyle's striped, black hair falls down over his eyes as he whispers and he brings up his hand to strike it behind his ear.  

What did he know? Were they talking about me? I wanted to know too, as the curious type of person I am but I couldn't hear. All I hear is murmurs. I get even more curious when I see how John nods at Kyle and they glance at me with a frown between their eyes. But then the echoing of 'you have to kill someone' comes back in my mind and brings me to how I am supposed to escape. The door isn't locked but how do you run away from three ghosts? I keep looking at them as I make up and escape way. They can't know what I am planning. I will run through the door behind us but that means I have to distract them somehow so I will get a bigger advantage than them. The first thought is to flip the table at them so they get shocked and fall down. It will also block their way and I don't have time to figure out something better. Is it the right thing to do? I don't know but I guess I will find out. It is too late to change my mind anyways because I have already grabbed the edge of the table, holding it with a steady grip. 

They are still looking at me, waiting for me to say something. So I quickly stand up and flip the table over so the edge lands on Kyle and James and that caught them off guard. It is surprisingly easy to lift it and i watch James' surprised face when his chair loses balance and hits the floor with a thud. 

Time to run! 

I quickly run on my shaky legs towards the door and on my way I remember the knife John used and I pick it up from the floor. I feel how dried out blood sticks to my palm and I feel disgusted of how it has actually been in John's heart as I put it in my pocket. But I push it away, such a thing can't distract me now. I press down the door handle with a squeaking sound and feel a bit relieved that it wasn't locked. I trow up the door and hear behind me how John screams to Kyle through gritted teeth "Go get her before she runs in to the others, we need her alive!" 

I slam the door and veer right, towards the way I came from before I ended up with the other ghosts. Who are the others? More ghosts? My heart feels like a brick stone as I run for my life down the corridor of iron doors looking exactly the same as the ones before. My feet echo against the concrete floor. It must be some kind of exit or staircase somewhere. My brown hair whips me in the face as I run. I have a strange feeling in my stomach because I am not hearing anyone behind me yet, and when I look back I can't see no one neither. But then the sight of a flight of stairs occurs at the end of the corridor. I speed up and reach it, I stumble upstairs as I feel how my body tells me I need to rest. I haven't recovered enough from John's drugging method. He really kidnapped me and murdered me. The anger gives me new strength  to my exhausted body. 

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