3: Who is the he?

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                ~Chapter Three~

A shadow of a tall man occurs in front of my face. I can just see his black, dirty shoes since I am laying on the floor in this uncomfortable angle. Maybe I should be glad that I can't see his face I try to convince myself. He walks closer to me and stops only a few steps away from my face, right in my thrown up dinner but yet he doesn't move. A terrified squeak sips through my lips and I crumble my tied body to protect myself from the stranger who did this to me, if it now is him. Am I going to die now or get saved?

He still doesn't move. What is he waiting for? To play with his victim? Oh yeah, probably. 

The silence in the room is remarkable.The only sound is coming from my pounding heart since I'm holding my breath. 

"Sorry for my loud pounding heart, but I am really scared right now." I whisper to the stranger in front of me as my voice cracks in the end. 

"Are you scared princess? Don't be, I am not going to kill you." He says with his dark voice, breaking the silence. He sounds younger than I thought at first, more like he's around the same age as me. Well he isn't a pedophile then... But wait, he called me princess?! How dares he? 

"I am not your princess." I say through gritted teeth. 

"Sure, if you say so, princess." That bastard. I bet I can even hear him smirk in this silence. He got a big ego at least. 

"Stop that, and if you won't kill me, why am I here and who are you because I am sure no one I know would kidnap me like this!" My anger flares up, making me forget how tired and exhausted I really feel. 

"Well first I didn't drug you that bad, you have only been past out for one day. No I am not going to kill you, I am need you for something else." He says with his husky but yet so creepy voice. 

What? Need me for something else? Maybe he is pedophile?! And have I've been past out for a whole day. Mum and dad must certainly be looking for me now. I just hope they can find me here... 

He began to walk closer to me and his feet was now only a few centimeters away from my face. 

"D-don't you dare take a step closer to me." I try to sound brave but honestly, my guts are really scared now. 

"Oh, are you threatening me? Don't I dare take a step closer or what? You can't do that much down there on the floor where you are. I told you not to be scared princess." He sighs. 

He bends down and grabs the chair to pull me up. 

"You can't do much more now neither but I guess it isn't that painful" he says. My body hurts where I'd hit the floor. I wince at the pain but once I am not laying down anymore it feels at least a bit better so he's right. But my wrists still hurt. Couldn't he cut them of too? I guess he wants to play with me. Then I finally look up from staring down at the ground at my tied feet and look into the eyes of my kidnapper.

A pair of fierce blue eyes are staring back at me and some dark curls fall down over his face. My heart skips a beat. He is dressed in dark jeans and a white shirt that shows his athletic body and the light bulb throws sharp shadows over his face and gives him a mysterious and scary look. I glance back at his face and he looks like he's waiting for something and I quickly tear my gaze away from him and blushes. I can't check out my kidnapper!

He smirks down at me and I am sure he knows I checked him out. But the frightening feeling comes back, because he kidnapped me and drugged me. That's not fine! I need to know why he did it, I know you shouldn't trust a kidnapper but I just need to know the answer.

"So... Who are you?" I ask hesitantly, because maybe he'll get angry and hurt me again. He looks down at me, with a confused frown.

"You don't know who I am?" And a laugh escapes his lips, but he silently whispers to himself "But how is she's supposed to know that, she's just seventeen..." 

What have I missed? I seek in my mind after a face like his, but I am sure I would have remembered it, since he looks so handsome. 

"I don't know what my age has to do with this but yeah, I don't know you. So tell me who you are" I ask.

"You'll find out that soon." he smirks and gives me crooked, creepy smile.

All questions whirl around in my head and I just need to know the answers. Because I still don't have the strength to run away, and I am tied up. So I gather my courage and ask once again. 

"Why did you kidnap me, and why am I in a room filled with body parts? Is this some kind of torturing game or what?" 

The last question makes him stop and he backs away from me, walking over to the shelf of body parts and stops. I feel how my stomach flips when I look at what's behind and I look away to control myself. This is not the right time for another vomit.  

Then I hear how the man starts to talk to himself and walk from one side to another. What is he doing? I mumbles and I overhear some words " ...she doesn't know why I kidnapped her... they haven't told her... shall I tell her?"

Tell me what? What is it that I don't know? I am really confused now, and terrified.

After a couple of silent minutes that feels like hours he suddenly changes direction and walks over to me. He stops in front of the chair and takes a deep breath. Then I see how he pulls out a rusty knife from his  dark jeans pocket. Oh my god, so I was right about the torturing game. I silently send a prayer to mum and dad they will find me before I end up like the person on the shelf. I want to scream for help, but I can't. Just a small whimper escapes my lips. 

I am going to die.  

"Hush" he whispers .

Then he bends down on his knees and pulls the knife behind my back and cuts off the ropes around my wrists and feet. 

What, is he not going to kill me? 

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