5: Mission impossible

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                 ~Chapter Five~

He stands up from the torn wooden chair and walks closer to me where I stand, paralyzed. The rusty knife is still there in his chest, over his heart. Shouldn't he be dead by now? 

My heart pounds fast by fear and panic when the he gets closer and closer to me. 'If he would've a normal human he would really be dead now, but this man is clearly not dead.' I tell myself, and I add that a normal human wouldn't stab himself for no reason. This is exactly what he's done. 

Is he really a ghost? Or is he just very good at faking this? 

Can I really see ghosts? But how can a ghosts bleed? I need to know, so I break my paralyzed condition. 

"S-so... if you're a ghost ,then how can you bleed? And aren't ghosts invisible?" I say with an upset voice and look at him. 

My kidnapper stands up and stops in front of me with frowned eyebrows.

"Actually, I don't know. It's a really good question how I can bleed because I can't feel any pain at all." He thinks deeply a few seconds before he continues to explain. 

"I'm not invisible for you because you can see ghosts, but for all other people I am invisible. But I can still walk through walls, like in those ghost stories kids read if you want some more proof." His frowns have disappeared and have been replaced by the now familiar crooked smirk on his lips. I give him a shrug as an answer. 

He turns around and walk towards the wall next to the table, the wall is white but has been through a couple of years since flaws of the white color is falling off. He stops a few seconds in front of the wall and looks at me, to be sure he's supposed to do it. I nodded to him to go on. 

He takes a step closer to the wall, then another. I cross my fingers when he's only a few centimeters away, hoping he will actually hit the wall and feel the pain like a normal person would've done. But to my disappointment I watch how half his body disappears through the wall and suddenly he's gone. I pinch my arm just to be sure this isn't a dream but no, I am not waking up. This is real. It's impossible to fake something like this, as far as I know. It's too much to take in, are ghosts real? 

I turn around, shocked and look at the two men. They are staring at me with their serious expressions. The blonde guy crosses his arms and the dark haired one just continues to stare at me, waiting for me to say something.  

"So, shall we continue were we ended this story?" Someone whispers in my ear, making goosebumps all over my arms. 

I let out a loud scream and beat with my arms in the air to hit him. Does he have to scare me this much? I've already way too terrified. I turn around and he looks at me with raised eyebrows and an amused smile. He's probably enjoying this, but I ain't. 

"You think that was funny?" I dry my tears and try to sound brave but I fail. 

"Well, maybe... I'm sorry princess." He shrugs and sits down on the wooden chair again. I roll my eyes but then my eyes fall on the knife that's still in stuck in his chest, but the blood has stopped. I point my finger at it. 

"Can't you pull that thing out? It scares me, and I've already had a lot to take in." I see how the exchange glances and after a few seconds my kidnapper pulls out the knife from his chest like he has done it several times before. Fresh blood drops down and he wipes of the knife on his shirt before throwing it in the dark corner of the room. I almost throw up of the sight but I look away and try to tell myself it's just a wizard trick, nothing else. But deep down I know it isn't anymore. 

"So I guess you want to know what these ghost things have to do with the kidnapping, so I'll try to explain." The light bulb is reflected in his blue eyes that's looking at me. He is really serious about this. I can't talk, my tongue isn't moving so I just listen. 

"At first there aren't many people that can see ghosts in the world but your'e one of them who can, which makes you to a medium. And for us you are an important person." He continues.

Why am I important? I am just a regular girl, and not even popular in high school. And the ghost thing wasn't counting, yet. And what was a medium? The guy must've noticed my confusion because he continues to talk with his husky, dark voice. 

"You look quite confused girl. You can see ghosts who still are on Earth. Like me and my friends." he points at himself and his friends with his index finger. "That's the important thing, because you can help ghosts like us, we shouldn't be down here, we should be on the other side of Life where dead people are. Most people ends up there but not everyone, if you die with an unsolved problem and can't get any rest on the other side you need to stay on Earth until you've solved what's keeping you here." My kidnapper leans back in his chair and pauses. Everyone is looking at me.

I do understand what he meant, I've read it in fantasy books that ghosts are dead people that can't rest in peace yet. But I didn't know it was real until now. These guys needed my help, that's why they kidnapped me, because I could see ghosts. Then a thought hit my mind. 

Nobody saw the when I got kidnapped then. Oh crap.

This is a lot to take in. 

I am sitting here, surrounded y ghosts. As a lack of what to say I dumbly ask: "So, what's your names then?" My kidnapper give the others a glance like their having a conversation through their eyes. They nod and look back at me. They guy with blonde hair presents himself as James and the other as Kyle but when it's only my kidnapper left to answer he says something else instead of his name. 

" So you wanna know my name?" He smiles and leans back in his chair. He really like to play his so 'funny' games.  

"Yes I do..., any problem with that?" I say hesitantly, unknown what he's up to this time. 

"No, not at all. I just want to know yours first." His smile grows to a big grin and I roll my eyes even though I am still insecure and scared of the whole situation. It takes awhile for me to answer because of the argumentation inside my head, whether to say my name or not to someone who has kidnapped but I end up saying it. because what can happen if I don't? 

"My name is Annie. Now it's your turn." I cross my arms and look at him with determination. He smirks and says "I am John." 

So, Annie. You really need to help us. When you've done that you can go back home to your family. But if you don't help us we'll keep you here until you do it." He says confidently. 

What kind of deal was this?! I wanted to meet mum and dad now! And what kind of problem did they need help with, what if it took a long time? A thought of my parents and a picture of my best friend Shana showed up in my mind and I felt how tears burned in my eyes. 'I have to be brave, just do this and you can go home.' I try to boost myself up and dry my eyes with the back of my hand. 

"If there's no other way to this I guess I don't have a choice. So tell me what's keeping you here on Earth and what mission I have to do, because I wanna get home, like now." I comment and try to read their faces about what it might can be, and I see how John's face turn serious. Too serious. 

Is something wrong? It better be a small problem.

I am so wrong, the problem seems much bigger. And not in a good way. Suddenly John takes a deep breath, breaking my confused thoughts. He leans a bit forward in his chair towards, me like he's going to tell me a secret. Then he says it. 

"You have to kill someone."

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