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Falling to my death, I turned so my shell was facing the ground, it's better than smashing my face into concrete.

  When I finally hit the ground, parts of my shell fell off which make the cracks in my shell to this day. My arm felt sore, but I probably just pulled a muscle. Casey though, he was nowhere to be found, you would think he would try to help, or maybe the foot got ahold of him. I would think the foot would have came to kill me, or something. But nope, the streets were silent, and I needed to contact my brothers. Quick. I pulled out my T-phone. Finally theese things come in handy for once.

  The ringing continued for what seemed to be forever, until finally Don picked up.

  "Hello? Don?" I groaned in pain as I tried to sit up.

  "Raph, whats wrong?" Don already knew something was up

  "I...I got hurt. I need help quick, I got shot in the leg by the foot and fell off a bulding." I looked to see if I could find what street I was on to help Don find me. Turtle Ave. Weird.

  "I'll be right there the T-phone can track you down. I'll bring the guys so I have some help. Hang in there Raph were coming. Don hung up, I already knew he was worried.

  It felt like Don took 30 minuets. Though he actually just took 5 minuets. When they finally came Don had all the guys with him and he sent Mikey to find the nearest sewer.

  "Don! I found one bro! Mikey waved and  opened up the sewer.

  "Come on Raph." Leo put my arm up on one of his shoulders and Don did the same to my other. We trudged to the sewer and went down.

  "Raph, when we get home, you and I are going to go to my room so I can patch you up. Your bleeding like theres no tomorrow." Don checked to make sure that the foot was nowhere to be found while Leo helped me into the sewer.

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