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"Raph! You want to see my newest project?" Don patted my shoulder.

"Sure lets see what crazy thing you bult now. I tried walking on my leg even though it hurt like hell.

I sat down on his bed looking for what he made..I don't see anything.. The fuck?

Don giggled "I didn't make it yet. Its on my computer." He turned on his screen. "I wantd to show you before I show anyone else."

"Why me?" I cracked my knuckles.

"I needed an opinon. I thought you would be best. Cause you'll forget about it in two shakes or a turtles tail.

"Not true jerk" I laughed.

"Its totatally true, anyways here it is, theyre patrol buggies." Four diffrent models popped up one for all of us. 

"So we use them for patrol?"

"Correct." Donnie smiled showing that dorky gap between his teeth. 

"Ya know Don we dont need to be here all day. Lets get something to eat." I walked out the door to catch Leo eating cereal, spoon in his moth he froze.

I laughed "Morning big bro. theres this thing called chewing." I walked over to the fridge to get my dumplings I had saved. I put them in the microwave.

"Dumplings for breakfast?" Don tilted his head 

"Don't need hem going bad." The microwave beeped and I grabbed my food and sat across Leo. "Wheres Mikey?"

"Upstiars playing video games." Leo shurgged and leaned back in his seat. 


"When winter comes hes gonna be hibernating, just watch." Don laughed and made himself cereal.

"He made an attempt last year but it didn't work out for him, splinter got to him." I laughed.

Leo stood up and bumped into Don, they laughed.

"Sorry Donnie." Leo smiled

"No it was my fault" Donnie started laughing.

My stomach twisted up in a knot, the fuck? It must be the dumplings, or something. I don't know. I threw away my empty plate. 

"Im gonna go watch tv Im kinda tired." I walked over to the tv and limped on my leg. I reached for the remote and turned on the tv. I started to drowse off. Someone walked into the room but I didn't wanna see who it was so I  just fell asleep.

Im sooooooooooooooo sorry I havn't updated this story I lost the notebook I wrote this story in and I just found it so expect updates! :3 I love you guys thanks for the support, means alot <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2014 ⏰

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