Trainin With Don

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"Raphael! You will be late for training if you do not get up!" Splinter probably scared the living hell outta me.

"I can't train sensei,, my leg..I was was with Casey last night." I lifted up the sheets to show him the bandage Don put on me last night.

"Does not mean you cannot watch my son. Now hurry and get ready. I do not want you to miss anything today." Splinter walked out of the room while I sighed silently to myself.

"Wonderful. Trainin. Lets see who againsit who." I dragged myself downstairs and into the dojo just to find out Don was going aganist Mikey. I dropped myself next to Leo and leaned back.

Don was actually really gettin better lately. Watchin him againsit Mikey really got me surpised. He was swingin that staff faster than I ever thought he could. He was blockin and dodging Mikey's kicks and punches like it was no problem. Ya could even hear the perfect sound everytime Don would swing his staff. And finally, Mikey gave up.

"Okay! Okay! You win bro!" Mikey put his weapons on the back of his shell and put his hands up. Don just gave Mikey a pat on the back.

"Don't worry buddy. You were way better than last time let me tell you that!" Don gave his same old quirky smile.

"Thanks Don." Mikey walked towards Leo and patted him on the shoulder.

"Your turn bro, he's gotten good." Mikey crossed his arms.

"We'll see about that." Leo stood up and walked towards Don and pulled out his katanas. By that point, I was already talkin to Mikey.

"Hey bro. Hows your leg?" Mikey sat next to me.

"Yea' I'm just a little sore thats all." I shurgged my shoulders.

" Makes sense. Your lucky. You don't have to train!." Mikey's eyes brightned.

"Yea, though I still gotta wake up as early as ya guys." I saw nothing good about that statement. I'll train, just not so early. I would be more than glad to bust some heads!

"True." Mikey looked down.

"I thats enough training for today my sons. Good job Donatello, Leonardo, and Michaelangelo. We will continue this tomorrow." Okay, then. Spinter usually doesn't do that. He must be sick or somethin. Hope nothin's troublin him. I stood up and walked out of the dojo.

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