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I glared at my partner as he raised the kicking pad above my head. I knew he expected me to complain or ask him to move it lover so he can make fun of my height. I moved back and spread my legs before kicking up my left leg; making contact with the pad and moving my leg back down.

"Nice move, short stack. Let's try a bit higher." Grey said with a smirk.

I held back a smirk as I got into a different stance; he gave me a look of confusion as I raised my leg. It took him by surprise when I gave him a kick in his groan. He dropped to the ground with an 'oof' sound.

"Don't call me short." I whispered in his ear before walking to the other side of the gym.

"You know if you damage me there will be no one to be your partner when we you face the bad guys." He said from his place on the ground still clinching his crotch. I rolled my eyes.

"The only reason I'm your partner is because I'm the only non homophobe in our precinct. And trust me I will get another partner within the hour of your demise." I clarified as I checked to make sure my gun was fully loaded before putting it in my hoister and putting on my jacket.

"Aren't you going to shower first?" I turned to see Grey stand up on shaky feet. I smirked.

"Nah, I don't do public bathrooms especially when you guys decided to put a hidden camera in there." I said and I almost laughed as his shocked expression. At least he had the decency to look apologetic for his fellow men.

"I'll see you tomorrow partner." I called out as I left the gym and entered the warm evening sun. I felt the cool evening breeze against my face and somehow I knew something wasn't right. Moreover, my day had started out crappy from my car not starting, to my phone getting smashed and of course, the forgetting of my gun with Grey and it was supposed to be a wonderful Saturday.

I began my walk down the street to the bus stop to check for the next bus but as luck would have it, I wouldn't make it there because a black SUV parked beside me and a man in a black tuxedo stepped out. Normally I would reach for my gun but I knew he was dangerous and my little pistol wasn't going to do much good.

"Can I help you?" I asked hoping the nervous energy inside me wasn't showing on my face. He gave a nod before opening the back door of the SUV. I reached for my gun and pointed it at him.

"Now, you're not going to actually kidnap a police officer are you?" I asked keeping my eye on him and watching for sudden movements. I heard movement from the car and in the moment I averted my eyes, I was disarmed. I looked back at the man in front of me before I turned to the one coming out of the car and I probably would have wet myself if I had drank anything with the six hours before that moment.

Most people call me short because 5"6 with nothing but muscle on my bones and a c-cup there is really nothing else to call me unless you consider me average which is another thing. Then again, if you see the giant that stood before me then you might agree with calling me small because the guy seemed to be around 6"5 and seriously what I call muscle would be a slice of bacon compared to what he had on his body. Of course, the fact that he was dressed in a white, untucked, dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the first three buttons undone just made it all change from scary to sexy.

"I must apologize for his behaviour, he had no intention of frightening you." He said, his deep voice sounding scary and sexy at the same time. Then again, everything about him screamed the same contrasting things from his Greek god looks to his crew cut, stubble and blue eyes.

"I don't care what his intentions were; blocking my path and taking my gun can be regarded as assaulting an officer of the law." I said as I quickly saved myself from the drool that was about to fall out of my mouth. He must have been a mind reader or must have seen that I was clearly ogling his body because his smirk turned into a very arrogant one.

AND SO THE LION FELL IN LOVE WITH THE LAMB (Completed ✔)Where stories live. Discover now