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I consumed another body shot of tequila, licking the salt of his neck and taking the lime from his lips. I giggled at the stony look on his face before I moved closer to his face.

"Kiss me," I whispered as seductively as I could in my drunken state.

He smirked and shook his head. "If I did I don't think we would stop."

I pouted then shrugged. "I don't even plan on having sex till I'm married."

I opened my eyes and shielded it from the blinding white paper in front on me. I groaned as I heard a loud squeal.

"MICHELLE GET THE FUCK UP AND LOOK AT THIS!" I felt like a blacksmith was in my head and the only thing my so-called best friend could do was scream.

"Lisa, my head is banging so can you not do that." I whimpered as she dragged the pillow away.

"You would do the same thing if you found a photocopy of your best friend's wedding certificate on her bed side table." That got me sitting up straight and grabbing the paper from her, then wincing at the pain of all the movement as I read the paper. Like she said, the paper was there in black and white showing of my signature and ... oh no!

"Oh shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh man, I got married to a criminal. I'm so getting this annulled this minute." I said as I attempted to get of the bed then realized I felt pain in other parts on my body.

"Please tell me I did not sleep with him." I groaned as I fell back on the bed.

"I would but then I would be lying." I opened my eyes at the sound of the voice and there he stood in my doorway in low cut jeans and a white unbuttoned shirt looking like a king.

"I think I should excuse you two." Lisa said as she got of the bed and winked at me before living. I glared at her back as she slide past him. Traitor.

"Here, I don't think you want to discuss in the nude." He said handing my bathrobe then turning like a gentleman for me to wear it, as if I cared after he'd already seen it all.

"There is nothing to discuss." I started as I tied the belt and stood. "You and I are going to go get divorce papers as quickly as this certificate was gotten then we will both sign it and by this afternoon it will all be over. You got your trophy of sleeping with me and I'm just going to forget I never met you and never tell this to anyone." The confident look I had soon turned to that of confusion when I noticed he looked pissed.

"Why would I do that?" he asked, his voice losing the sexiness.

"Because the only reason this exist is because I was drunk and you wanted to sleep with me" the words became smaller as I realized he was looking deadly. He stepped forward and I almost backed up but I stood my ground.

"One, there will be no divorce; two, sleeping with you was not a trophy—" with each point he took a step forward. "Three, you will not forget me; four, I don't care who you tell." He was standing right in my face and as I tried to look away, he used two fingers to raise my face so my eyes could meet his. "And five, You. Are. My. Wife."

Before I could protest his lips crashed on to mine, the kiss was both angry and demanding and I swear I lost my marbles because I kissed him back. My hands going around his neck and behind his head to pull him closer as I bit his lower lip then used my tongue to sooth the ache. The hand that wasn't holding my head was inside my bathrobe, on me back pushing my chest closer to his.

"No." I whispered as I broke the kiss and pulled away. I panted lightly to catch my breath and I could see him doing the same.

"If you fight this you won't win." He said calmly; his anger clearly gone, mine just arriving.

"I will not let you use my as some kind of toy. I am a fully-grown woman I will make my own fucking decisions. You don't even know the first thing about me and you just married me." I was yelling at this point. "I could probably kill you in your sleep or have the FBI arrest you for kidnapping because there is no difference between this and kidnapping me and making me marry you at gun point."

He took out his phone and pressed some buttons until I heard the sound of very loud music then the sound of my slurred voice.

"—sometimes I wish I could just get laid, I mean like just pick a guy, get a quickie wedding and marry him." Pause "Hey Nikky, you are like the sexiest man I know. Let's get married. "

He stopped the recording there and placed a small velvet box on my bed. "I personally don't like the abbreviation of my name but whatever you like. My number is on your cell, call me when you want to go on the honeymoon." And he left.

I stared at the box for a minute more before Lisa came into the room and picked it up. I ignored her as she went to sit by the computer. Trust Lisa 'the computer whiz'; 'in times of crisis go online'. I went to the bathroom, my headache quickly remembered as I sat under the shower and began thinking back on all the sins that could cause this.

I stepped out of the shower fully refreshed but still with a headache with a bright hope that when I entered the room Lisa would have good news for me.

"Mimi, in think you should get dressed and have a sit." She said as soon as I entered the room.

I quickly changed into a pair of shorts and a shirt. She smiled and handed me a bottle of whiskey as I sat on the bed.

"What part of hangover don't you get?" I asked her with a glare.

"Trust me; with the amount of info I'm about to give you a hangover will be the least of your worries."

AND SO THE LION FELL IN LOVE WITH THE LAMB (Completed ✔)Where stories live. Discover now