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The hours that followed were filled with shopping, going to the doctors and getting ready and by 6:30 pm my doorbell rang. I quickly slipped on my stiletto boots that added two very advantageous inches especially if I intended on negotiating and possibly yelling with a man almost a foot taller than I was.

Victor stood at my door looking like he would rather be somewhere else. I rolled my eyes.

"If you didn't want to come you could have sent the other guy that came here last time." I said, as I locked my door. His expression remained the same when he spoke again.

"I would have but Nikolas shot him when he delivered the last message." I felt all the blood drain form my face. I got someone killed. Victor noticed my look and smirked he smirked. "He's not dead, just injured in the arm. Plus I only came here because it was a direct order." I nodded quietly and followed him to the sleek black car outside.

We entered and for the first few minutes the car was silent, the thought that I had someone injured still nagging at me.

"You know he is alright. I would have told you apologize to him but the boss might finish him off for talking to you." I nodded then after a while, I began pondering on what he said.

"Won't he shot you for talking to me?" I asked and he smirked again. I was beginning to consider this night lucky because he looked like the kind of person that didn't smirk or smile much.

"No, I work for him optionally. He knows I won't make the mistake of touching what is his and besides, I have a wife and I'm too old for you." The thought that he was married and was older kind of put my mind at ease.

We changed cars at a part of town I didn't realize but I didn't ask. The silence stretched on for a bit but this time he broke it.

"You don't have to be scared you know. Nikolas isn't like that, I mean he isn't so bad when it comes to his personal life, it's his work life he gets shit serious about."

"But doesn't he know he can't just force an unwilling person. He could have asked me out or something." The words spilled out before I could stop them. Victor snorted.

"Would you have gone out with him if he introduced himself and asked you out?" I sighed and shook my head from side to side.

"That's his point. Nikolas isn't going to waste time asking for what he wants if he has a way of taking it."

Yeah like my life and virginity. I sighed, sagging into the chair. "What if it all doesn't work out? What if I'm wrong for him? Is he just going to shot me and go for someone else?"

"One thing I think I should tell you before you learn it the hard way is that Nikolas is never wrong. Now a little advice for the future, don't fight it." I wanted to ask what exactly I wasn't to fight but we changed cars again and I realized we were head down a suburban road. That wasn't right.

The car soon parked in front of a very normal house and I wondered what we doing there. I came out of the car and saw Nikolas standing at the door and that's when it hit me.

I had passed by the house one night after leaving one of Lisa's office parties to make an arrest. On my way, I had made eye contact with him and had played a little battle of wits, which I tend to do when people stare at me. His eyes had wavered first and I counted it as a victory so I walked away but a few minutes later I heard someone following me and I planned to turn around and question the person but I was attacked. By the time I was done defending myself Grey had arrived.

"Why do you seem so surprised to see me or is it the house?" Nickolas said as I walked to the porch.

"It's definitely the house. Isn't it some kind of mafia rule to have a mansion?" I said cheekily as I walked past him into the house.

AND SO THE LION FELL IN LOVE WITH THE LAMB (Completed ✔)Where stories live. Discover now