Chapter Eighteen

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Luke POV:

I held a firm grip on Zoe's arm as I dragged her into the elevator of my building and I pressed the button for the floor of my office. 

"I thought chefs were meant to work in restaurants." She stated with sarcasm.

"I'm more of a restaurant owner now, which means I still cook, but I just mostly sell my name." I replied.

"Another thing you didn't tell me." She muttered.

Zoe stood still and moved closer to me as the elevator stopped and another person got in.

He smiled at me, I nodded. He proceeded to smile at her and put out his hand,

"I'm Cameron, you must be Zoe." 

She took his hand and shook it, "nice to meet you, Cameron."

He chuckled, "the pleasure is all mine. Luke has told me so much about you."

Zoe looked shocked and Cameron laughed once more. "Nothing too bad, but he didn't explain how gorgeous you were."

"Cameron." I growled sternly, it was meant as a warning. 

"Luke." He responded.

Zoe looked between us and tried to lighten the mood, "so, I heard you two play poker together, which I think is pretty cute, I mean, everyone should do something they enjoy doing; for some people it might be swimming -"

I shot her a disapproving glance, and pinched her ass. 

"So, Luke, I didn't know it was bring your daughter to work day." 

"I'm not his daughter." Zoe stated, crossing her arms. 

Cameron chuckled once more and patted her on the head. 

"Cameron leave her be."

"She's cute. Luke, tell me, how much do you have to pay her to be a dick decoration?"

Before I could say anything, Zoe had already slapped him and threw a punch at his stomach. I looked at her in shock and awe. 

"Can we go home now?" She asked me sweetly, before reaching up on her tippy-toes and kissing my cheek. 

The elevator dinged as we got to my floor. "No, baby, we can't go home." 

Cameron stood up and followed us out, "you really ought to put a collar on her, Luke."

That comment made my blood boil, I turned and my fist connected with his jaw. He staggered back a few steps and threw a punch at me, he hit my nose, I licked my upper lip and tasted blood. Within minutes we were a bloody mess punching each other on the ground.

"Fuck, enough you two!" I heard Zoe cry out, but she sounded far away. 

I felt two arms trying to pull me away from Cameron, I didn't realise who it was and immediately after I threw my elbow back, I heard Zoe scream and begin to cry. I got up from the ground and scooped her up in my arms. 

"I'm so sorry, my love."

She said nothing, just nuzzled into my neck. I kissed the top of her head and held her close.

"We should get you cleaned up and your suit dry-cleaned." She stated.

I chuckled for a few moments and then sucked in my breath, realising that my ribs hurt. I put her down and she took her hand in mine, she pressed the elevator button and we stepped in and away from Cameron. 

"I don't like him." Zoe expressed bluntly. 

I sighed deeply, "I know you don't. After that, I don't like him that much either." 

Zoe kissed the top of my hand as we stepped into the lobby. She hailed a taxi for us and told the driver to take us to the closest, private hospital. 

I was surprised, here I was, acting like a duck, remaining calm on the surface, but rapidly treading water trying to stay afloat, trying to remain strong for both Zoe and I. However, here she was, stepping up and finding strength for the both of us. I'd had people tell me she looked like a natural born leader, but I'd never seen her in that role. 

When we got to the hospital, she instantly took charge, explaining to the nurse what had happened and what needed to be done, within minutes I was getting checked over and getting scans. Zoe was getting patched up herself, getting her fractured nose cleaned and bandaged. After I was given the all-clear and told to take care of myself Zoe and I had to meet with one of the head doctors. 

"Now, Miss" the Doctor began, "has your husband ever shown any sign of violence or abuse in the past?"

Zoe looked at me, rolled her eyes and then looked at the Doctor. "Look, Sir, this man was protecting me from his friend who was going to touch me inappropriately, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

The Doctor nodded, "Are you sure you're not protecting your husband? We see a lot of cases -"

Zoe interrupted him by standing abruptly, knocking her chair. She thanked the Doctor for doing his job and left. 

I looked over at him, stood up myself and walked out. I watched Zoe pay for our treatment, using one of my credit cards. I went and stood next to her and wrapped an arm around her. The nurse behind the counter smiled at us.

"You two look like a very cute couple. Are children on the horizon?" The nurse asked.

"I have always wanted one child, but this man here, wants six!" Zoe said it in a way that caused the nurse to laugh. 

I smiled, I had forgotten how charming and charismatic my wife could be. 

We left hand in hand, Zoe had gotten the nurse's phone number and had organised to go out for lunch with her in a week. 

Before we got a taxi, I stopped Zoe and turned her to face me. "You are one remarkable woman, Zoe. I mean, you attacked Cameron, you looked after me and I saw how strong you could be as a leader." 

She blushed, smiled and looked down at her feet. I cupped her chin in one hand and softly kissed her. 

"I mean it, Zoe. I really do." 

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