Chapter Twenty-Three

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Zoe POV:

I woke up early and watched the clock slowly tick. I saw Luke beside me, looking the calmest I'd seen him in weeks whilst he slept. I slipped out of the covers and my feet padded on our hardwood floorboards. I took off my wedding ring, left a note on the kitchen table and walked out of the house. 

Luke POV:

I pretended I was asleep, and Zoe pretended not to notice. I felt the bed fall and rise as she got up from it, heard her silently walk across our room and slip out of the door. I let her imagine she was invisible and free. 

Zoe POV:

I walked to the garage and grabbed my old helmet and hopped onto my old Honda bike, kicking it into gear and begging it would start. When it finally did, I drove like a bat out of hell and turned right at the end of our driveway, I headed into town and hoped Luke would be awake to see my note before I got back. 

Luke POV:

I heard her rev the bike and the gravel crunch as she took off. I walked downstairs and saw her wedding ring, the ring that cost me a whole lot more than I wanted to spend, sitting atop a note. I opened it and read;

"My dearest Lucas / Daddy / Dom,

I have headed off into town I feel restless and I need to remember what I want out of my own life.

You saw me at a moment of weakness, after I was raped by Michael. You saw an opportunity and I thought I saw love, but now I realise, you just saw a girl whom you could control, someone who would do anyone to please someone. I am sick and tired of apologising for something I do not feel I have done wrong. 

We need to have a serious discussion about our future, I feel as though we stepped off a wave-length somewhere and we ended up walking on a different path. 

I never used to be this unhappy, but you work too late and too hard, I abandoned my family to be with you. However, you're abandoning ME for your newest family addition, the new restaurant. 

So, my handsome husband, you have a decision to make. 

- You can either work less and spend more time with me, discussing our future and really figuring out where WE want to go in life and what the future holds for our possible family.


- You keep working and I finally walk away. 

The ball is in your court, as it always has been. 

Call me once you've read this and made your decision. 

Zoe POV:

I pulled over at the nearest park and waited for Luke to call. By now, I knew he would've read my letter, just as I knew he wasn't asleep this morning.

I opened a can of V that I brought along and drank it, in anticipation that Luke would devote all of his time and attention to me. 

After a few moments, I began to pick and bite at my already raw cuticles. Waiting made me antsy and nervous, my stomach bubbled and I could hardly eat, let alone drink. 

Luke POV:

I dialled Zoe's number and heard it ring twice before she answered, 

"So, you've been doing some reading?" She asked.

His Baby-Bunny [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora