Ch. 2 The Voices of The Ring

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If you don't know what you're doing, high school can be a cruel place to go for 4 years. It can also be a gruesome place if something happened over the summer, such as gaining a few pounds, getting glasses or braces, losing your parents, etc.

Of course, It's been two years since my parent's death, so I already let my anger go.

You see, I'm on the football team, more specifically, a wide receiver.

Before you get the wrong idea, I barely even use my powers anymore.

Ever since that night, I was ashamed of my powers, so I stopped using them. In fact, for a time, I completely forgot I even had powers. Of course, then my cousins; Robin and Stephen, would remind me of the pain I went through by saying "So, how are you feeling? Wanna go on a 6-second ru-", or "Hey, Elijah, can you fly to the top of the roo-"

I usually slammed the door in their faces because I didn't like my powers, and they were forcing me to use the very thing that killed my parents.

You see, I've always thought that I was the one that killed my parents because I wasn't fast enough.

With that being stated, before I start getting too emotional, let me explain how high school had been for me for the past 2 years.

First, I joined the football team because of the anger that I was storing inside, and the best way that I thought could take the anger away was becoming a wide receiver. The way that I play, it requires my anger to run faster, and push myself to catch the ball. Granted, I'm not as fast without my powers, but I manage.

Next, I bulked out. When I was 14, I had scrawny arms and legs, and barely any abs. After two years, my arms and legs were massive, and my abs were so clear, that you could break ice with it. Though technically speaking, I could've earned these things from my super strength, but I wanted a normal life, and I wanted to earn this, for myself.

Lastly, I stayed in touch with DJ, the girl that I ran into 2 years, at the Holland Hospital. She is a sophomore at Davenport College, and she is married to Dominic John Fonzie, or DJ for short.

Don't even ask. I'm still kind of iffy about them, but good news; the newlyweds are on their honeymoon in Honolulu, HI.

Oh, did I mention? Spike, my best friend, is the quarterback for my team; the Holland High Dutch.

Also, both of my cousins go to the same school that I'm going to. Course, Robin is a sophomore, which makes her 15. Stephen, however, is one year ahead of me; age-wise and grade-wise, making him 17, and a senior.

Robin, as you know, is a cheerleader. Well, at Holland High, she is the head cheerleader, so that means that she's at my every game.

Oh, almost forgot.

My best "girl" friend, Jennifer Brown, is also at my school.

Jennifer is a junior, like me, but instead of being an athlete, she is a nerd, technically speaking.

Now, something weird happened on the 1st day.

Instead of just jumping into it, I'm going to start at the beginning.

First, I woke up to my 6:30 alarm clock. The sun was barely peeking through my window. Robin was standing outside my door with Aunt Lucy. They were just standing there. Then Robin comes in my room.

"Time to get up, Eli.", she said. She calls me Eli for short. "Mom's cooking us breakfast, and driving us to school today."

"Fine.", I said. "Be up in a minute."

After she left, I started to get ready. I picked out my clothes and jumped in the shower.

After I got out, I dried myself with a towel.

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