Lipstick Cherry All Over The Lens As She's Falling.

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Four days had passed.  Linda sat in her 1950's era flat staring at the paper in front of her.  Nick Rhodes, it read at the header.  Nick Rhodes!  So that's what Nick's name was, and Nick was 18 years old.  From the looks of the contents of the paper Nick was keyboardist, along with a bassist by the name of John Taylor, a guitarist named Andy Taylor, a drummer named Roger Taylor, and a lead singer, Simon Le Bon, who's name sounded awfully familiar to her.   She put the paper down and picked up the phone.  It was 4:30.  She better call Nick to make sure all arrangements were set.  She dialed the number, and was surprised and reassured when the bands managers picked up and told her that not only was Nick expecting her,  but that she would have a chance to meet with the band after the show.   Linda hung up the phone, and ran to her closet.  She must pick out something to wear.  She fumbled through her clothes, until finding the dress she wanted; A beautiful Sea foam green dress, with white high heels.  She let her hair down, and quickly restyled her perm, while adding jewelry.   She wanted to wear the dress for Nick, as she had dreamt of herself  sitting in a field of daffodils wearing the dress next to him.  She felt a connection to Nick through the dream, but she wasn't sure what it was.   She would tell him all about this later.  It was 5:30 now.  Linda knew it was time to leave for the Rum Runner, as it was time to see Nick once again.  Tonight was going to be a night to remember forever. 

The Hopes and Schemes of Waiting Dreamsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें