The Beautiful Girl In The Sea Foam Green Dress.

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It was 9pm at the Rum Runner.  Crowds of youths dressed in New Romantic regalia crowded the Rum Runner floor as Duran Duran finished their last number for the night, "Planet Earth".   Nick looked into the crowd and the image of Linda came to his mind.  "Where is she?"  He thought.  Just then,  the lights came up and Nick laid eyes on a beautiful young woman wearing a familiar sea foam green dress.  Linda.   He rushed back into the club with the rest of the band.  Linda was waiting.  "Linda!" Nick exclaimed, as he ran to her and wrapped his arms around her tender body.  "You look ravishing this evening."  Nick looked at Linda again.  She looked much more womanlike in the way she was dressed,  and the way she carried herself, that for a brief moment Nick desired to sleep with Linda in her bed, while his fellow band mates partied the night away in his flat.  Linda smiled at him, "You were amazing" she said.  Nick smiled back.  This was the happiest he'd felt in a long time.  Nick introduced Linda to the rest of the band mates.  They all seemed to smile in appreciation of how sweet Linda was,  including his best friend John, who seemed to be in awe of the beautiful girl in the sea foam green dress.   But nothing could compare to the feelings Nick was developing about Linda.  He wanted her so much, but was afraid to tell her.  Instead, he offered to walk her home to her flat for the night, an offer she kindly accepted.  Nick picked up his trench coat and walked along side Linda out of the Rum Runner.   He was determined to make this a night to remember forever. 

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