Chapter Two

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Hey, guys (:

"The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

-Winston Churchill


-So much pain. a headache. Too many drinks.

Journal entry 4


Voices and the bright sun woke me up. So did my headaches. Fuck.

"Hello?" I heard Janet's voice. Not to me, however. I twisted and turned. While groaning. Pulling the blanket over my head.

"You're looking for Leah Michelle..."I opened my eyes abruptly.

Looking for Janet. Luckily she was right in front of me with the phone to her ear. I grabbed the phone out of her grasp.

"Hello hello?" I stated in my morning voice. Then clearing it up.

"What number did you give me?" The man asked. Who are you?

"Um an aquatint," I said. Who are you?

Don't remember...

Hold up.

Oh my god.

"You're that guy that wants that girl?" I questioned incredulously. Did I give you this number?

What's wrong with me! It was supposed to be a random number...

God, I was so drunk yesterday. Did I give you this? What the actual fuck?

"Yes I am. Name is Drew." I can't believe this utter bullshit.

"I'm sorry um.. Why'd you call?" I asked.

Exhausted. Confused. Want this to be some kind of nightmare.

I don't remember what really happened.

"I need your help today." He said. I raised a brow.

"Today meaning?" I waved my hand sleepily through the air. Forgetting he wasn't here.

"Two hours from now." He said. I groaned. Wanting to fall back to sleep.

"You really want my help today? I don't think I'm cut out for this. Get someone else." I stated.

"We made a deal." He grumbled.

"What time?" I asked utterly defeated. Janet was staring me down like a lion to it's antelope. I knew I fucked up.

"Yep be ready at three."

Three? Three.

Is it one o'clock?

Damn longest I've slept.  Ugh.

"Okay, I'll be ready. 523.."

" I remember" He cut me off. I nodded my head. The end of the line went quiet.

"I mean yeah yeah. Okay bye."I quickly said. Delirious.

"Bye, Leah." I hung up Janet had her hand on her hip. Scolding me with her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Janet. I didn't know I gave him this number." I exclaimed falling back on the couch.

"Chris this needs to stop. A random guy calling my phone several times Come on, Chris." She said flustered. I groaned.

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