Chapter Eight

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"I believe in my mask-- The man I made up is me
I believe in my dance-- And my destiny,"

-Sam Shepard


Dealing with Drew's mood swings took a toll on my body. If I wanted to deal with mood swings I'd be with Janet after Josh stands her up again.

I rolled my eyes at the thought. Josh.

That fucking bastard.

I took a deep breath. Blocking everything out staring at Drew who had been talking to me for five minutes.

I clearly didn't get any of it. It felt like a teacher lecturing me. Another reason I didn't finish college.

"You never follow directions! You can't follow rules,"

"Christine we need to plan for tomorrow." He finished. I stared at him in a trance.

"Okay, what are we planning for?" I asked.

"We are planning for the business meeting."

"I thought you said something about jogging at six in the morning?" I questioned. He chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"I was busting your chops, Christine."

I huffed.

"Alright well let's plan for it," I stated. Drew stared at me seriously.

"Every twice a year our company gathers together and has a golfing tournament—"

"Wow you're one of those people," I said scoffingly. He had his arms crossed.



"Listen, Christine. We do a biannual—"

"I am listening, Drew," I state annoyed. Speaking over him.

"Okay, you're listening." He said in quotes. I narrowed my eyes at Drew.

"Go on, The annual golf tournament,"

"The biannual golf tournament," He pointed out.

"Just get on with it." I exasperated head in my hand. Tired already with him.

"Different companies. It's more a play match I know there has been rivalries between some of the companies, but I couldn't care less. I just need you to be my date. Cheer me on every hole. Hand me water, pat my back." My jaw dropped. Raising my eyebrow.

"Is that how you treat all your dates?" I questioned annoyed.

"Not me, Kitten. The important men who play golf do." I rolled my eyes.

"What do the women do?" I asked curiously. He walked up to me sitting bending down. Eye to eye level. His entire room sparkling like his eyes.

"Kiss our cheeks, batts their eyes, and say wow you're doing such a good job go, Drew!" He mimicked standing up turning towards his flashy curtains. I let a blow of steam off shaking my head.

"Sorry, I'm going to be the odd one out," I said to Drew. Shaking my head incredulously. Standing up.

He turned back around raising his eyebrow. Arms to his sides, hand on hip. I gave him a challenging look.

"Why so?"

"Cause I'll be playing too."


Drew and I were arguing similar to a married couple. We haven't even been fake dating for a week.

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