1. making out

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"I had a really good time tonight," Tyler tells Josh as they sit in Josh's car in Tyler's driveway. "I'm glad you enjoyed it Ty." Josh and Tyler sit in silence for a minute until they both turn and look at each other.

They both blush due to the coincident. Tyler turns away as Josh continues to look at Tyler. Josh reaches forward and turns Tyler's face toward him. "May I," Josh asks. Tyler nods after a second giving Josh permission.

Josh leans in as Tyler also leans in. Their lips connect over the center console. Josh holds Tyler's face as Tyler kisses back. Tyler slowly crawls over the center console and straddles Josh. Tyler wraps his arms around Josh's neck as they continue to kiss.

Josh bites at Tyler's lower lip causing him to let out a moan and part his lips. Josh takes the opportunity and slips his tongue in Tyler's mouth. Josh's tongue slides against Tyler's as they make out swallowing each others moans.

Tyler slowly starts to roll his hips against Josh's. Suddenly the car horn beeps loudly. Tyler pulls away from Josh with a bright blush covering his cheeks. Tyler sees Josh's eyes widen as he looks at the house.

Out of the front door comes Tyler's mom. Tyler turns around and sees his mother and starts to panic. Tyler pushes the drivers door open and stumbles out of the car. "I'll text you later," Josh tells Tyler as he gives him a kiss on the lips and pulls out of the driveway.

Tyler looks back up to see his mother staring him down while standing in the doorway tapping her foot. Tyler puts his head down as he walks to the front door and past his mother into the house. Tyler's mother shakes her head as she closes the door and sees Tyler run up into his room whipping the door shut.

"Thats not what I expected to see when i went outside," Kelly says as she sits down on the couch to watch the news.

342 words

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