Le Mystery (S)hack

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You finally finished breakfast and started to clean the plates. Your uncle discussed in the table that if you were going to stay you would also have to do work in the shack. No worries there was also going to be someone there to help you.
After a few hours passed by of playing with your little cousins Dipper and Mabel, you finally needed to do some work in the shack. You were at the counter waiting for someone to come in when suddenly a really pretty girl came in the shack. She had a green eyes and a blue flannel shirt some black wet boots. She also had beautiful black hair. You suddenly smirked to yourself and went over by her. "Hey gorgeous what's your name?"Y/N said while holding the face of the beautiful stranger. "My name is Erica and thank you..i guess." She said a bit nervous and blushing. You smirked to yourself." My such a beautiful name and beautiful face" you said as you grabbed her face and tilted your head.

Suddenly you could hear footsteps from the other room coming to the shack. Mabel comes in shocked in half a second and amazed in the next. "Woah there cuz cuz no flirting in the shack."  You chuckle to yourself and write your number in a little paper. You give it to Erica and signalize "call me" as she blushes, puts the paper in her pocket and gets out of there as fast as she could still blushing. "Woah cuz didn't know you were the flirtatious type!" You blush at her comment, even though you were super confident around strangers your family would always get to your soft side. "But Im a matchmaker so I guess it goes in the family!" Mabel says in an excited manner. You giggle at her response and "Wendy" came later to help you. People were really busy today there was a whole bus full customers. When it was closing time she left and dipper helped you close the shack.

You suddenly felt the room was abnormally windy and decided to close the door, but the door wasn't open. 'Muahahahaha' fook its bill. Dipper was all freaked out about this and was running in circles screaming "Demon be gone!" With a bottle of holy water. 'Heh that isn't going to work.' You thought to yourself. "Well you should have told me!" Said Dipper. SHITTE you talked out loud. "Sorry" *cough* 'Umm I'm still here' said the yellow illuminati eye. "Ugh what do you want Cipher?" You sassed at him like a boss. (Enter reference here) 'well what do ya think Star? Why nothing else than a deal!' 'You're really stupid cipher, I'm not going to make a deal with you.' You thought. "Y-yeah she's right, although cuz how can you speak without opening your mouth?" Said dipper. 'sHOOt uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' you didn't know what you were going to do.  You just stay there, you just didn't know what to do. Bill looked at you unimpressed 'Listen star i know your secrets cuz i have your dairy so we make a deal or everyone knows!' You agreed on one condition "gambling?! Cuz Y/N are you crazy? No offense. " said dipper in a worried tone. You crouched a bit to get to his height and patted his head. "Remember the story i told you Dipper? Don't worry i'll be fine. " you whispered to him. Bill suddenly made a gambling table appear. 'What game shall we play star?' He said while shuffling some cards. "How about craps then?" Alright then not so hard right? WRONG! This was getting difficult shoot!! I just banged my head in the table. Dipper almost passing out, poor dude. He just fell right in the right place like heavy rocks. Heavy huh? Wait heavy!! 'Hey Star it's your turn' he said giving me the dice' under the table you switched the dice with your heavy dice instead and rolled the "new" dice. 11 yes! Now were talking. 'Nice try Star' Bill said looking down on you he somehow teletransported  to your back and was now smirking down on you. You turned around slowly like in horror films and look straight into his eye. It only looked black you stood right there frozen. 'Hehehehe i guess i win don't i now?' Said bill. 'Ohh well guess now you have to make a deal with me!' "Fine" you had no other choice anyways. 'Alright then you will have to help me with some stuff meaning you will be my slave doing whatever i want' he grabbed my face like i did before with Erica. He then held out his hand in order for you to make the deal. A blue flame brightly formed in his hand. Your hand went into a purple flame thank god dipper blacked out before this happened. Unless
he would have found out what you really were. Yes indeed you were a demon

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