The Ball

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You were so ready to attend the ball. You were almost dying to go to the ball. You smiled to yourself as you just imagined the gruesome things you would do to the cunt you saw a couple days ago. You were enraged, but your smile showed otherwise. You were full of anger, but why? Bill wasn't your boyfriend so why claim him like he's yours? You ponder and wondered about your feelings for Bill. Was he just a friend? 'No, stop, demons can't love remember that dumbass!' You thought to yourself.

You sighed as you went to your bed now it was a few hours until the ball started. What was the name? Uhhh The interdimensional Ball for Demons, Monsters and such. Yes that's it. Well i guess i have to get ready now. Bill is probably busy with himself so I'll just have to do it myself. You looked sadly at the purple and black [dress or suit] that you were going to wear in the ball. It looks nice but it needs something to make it. Brilliant or lustrous.
You then tried to use your magic to make it look polished. The [choice of attire] turned a nice purple and gold that made it look extravagant. 'Perfect' you thought to yourself as you looked at it. You looked in the mirror and decided to style your hair a bit different than usual. You were fascinated with the design. You finally put on some [shoe preference] and finished your attire with some jewelry. You heard a knock on your door. "Come in!" You shouted at the demon. He was wearing a golden suit with his signature hat and bow-tie, both were a shiny gold. He looked at you and smirked. "Gee sweetheart never knew how gorgeous you look in a [dressing choice]"
"Thanks Bill, should we go?"
"Right this way m'lady" he said bowing.
You entered a portal he made, as you entered you were surrounded by elegant music and a ballroom full of crystals and other precious metals. You were surprised at how many demons were there too. From tall to short, to a whole rainbow of colors. There was a big stage in the back of the room with what looked like a microphone in the center of the stage. A very strange shadow with a bowtie started to talk in gibberish to the crowd, the crowd then starts cheering. You are extremely confused of what's going on with everyone. "They just presented us darling,smile." Said Cipher as he hugged your shoulder and waved at the crowd enthusiastically. You did a short wave to satisfy Bill and made a little smile as he walked with you.
You saw someone coming towards you, you seemed to recognize them. They had a blondish hair with pigtails and a miniskirt with some dress shirt and a tie.

"Fuck its Junko"
Maybe she heard you since she was giving you a stare that just made you feel uncomfortable.

You just went with it and sat down on some random table. Right after you sat Bill had come to sit down next to you. He grabbed a wine glass and some time of spork made of crushed crystals. "Ahem"
Everyone kept talking. "AHEM" finally they turned around to face Bill all silent as he was about to make an announcement.
"Ladies, gentlemen and demons , let us welcome the music demon, daughter of (mother name) and Last Syrenite in the universe!" He stood you up from the table as demons clapped. "And now, she will be reciting a song for us!" He exclaimed loudly. You desperately tried to whisper into his ear "Wait Bill, I'm not ready to..."
"YOU will do it even if i have to force you." He gritted with his teeth as he tried not to make others listen. You sadly looked down and looked back up at the demons with a smile as they all clapped. Except for Jun. Jun's a bitch. You walked up to the stage as a big glob of goo handed you a guitar. "Thank you" but the glob only made glob sounds. It was cute in its own little way. As you looked into the distance you saw Junko went closer to Bill,She was flirting with him and he grabbed her chin, though Junko just stood up and went somewhere.
You almost gagged, but wanted to look professional, grabbed the microphone and smiled. You introduced yourself and started playing the song.
"Tired blue boy walks my way
Holding a girl's hand
That basic bitch leaves finally
Now i can take her man."
As you kept on with the song you started noticing people were entranced with your music and finally Bill's iris turned a bright purple as he listened to the song. Finally entranced you made sure to be louder to make a bigger effect. Soon everyone was enjoying the song as bill was just paralyzed listening to you sing.
You finished the song but as you stopped demons were yelling "encore!" You were moved by this. So you proceeded to play another song. Just as you were about to start Jun walked in not giving a single care that people were just loud. As she sat down you started playing another song.
"If you weren't born with it
You can buy a couple ornaments
Just be sure to read the warning kids
cuz pretty soon you'll be bored of it
Soon Junko was entranced too
Thinking that she wasn't good enough or beautiful. She went into the restroom to cry.
"Oh mrs.potato head tell me, is it true that pain is beauty? Does a new face come with a warranty? Will a pretty face make it better?
You ended the song and stepped down the stage. People cheered for you without Junko to be seen you finally got a hold of the puppeteer.

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